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                   102 Chapter 3: Respiratory system

                   Table 3.10 Antibiotic therapy for pneumonia
                   Pneumonia                        Therapy
                   Community acquired               Mild: Amoxycillin and erythromycin p.o.
                    Streptococcus pneumoniae 40%    Severe: Cefuroxime or amoxycillin i.v. and erythromycin p.o., add flucloxacillin
                                                      if evidence of Staphylococcus aureus
                    Haemophilus influenzae 10%–30%
                    Moraxella catarrhalis 10%–30%
                    Atypical bacteria 10%–20%
                    Viral 10–20%
                    Gram negative organisms <1%
                   Nosocomial – hospital acquired   Treatment should include a third generation cephalosporin such as
                    Gram negative (Klebsiella, E. Coli,  ceftazidime. If severe sepsis or in a neutropenic patient combination
                    Pseudomonas, Proteus) 60%         piperacillin/ tazobactam and gentamicin may be used
                    Strep. pneumoniae 5%
                    Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA)

                     low blood pressure (systolic <90 mmHg or diastolic  TB than non-immigrants. Worldwide the highest rates
                     ≤60 mmHg).                                 of tuberculosis are seen in sub-Saharan Africa, India,
                     Additional adverse features include: Age ≥ 50 years,  China and the islands of Southeast Asia. Intermediate

                     coexisting chronic disease, hypoxia (PaO 2 < 8kPa or  ratesoftuberculosisoccurinCentralandSouthAmerica,
                     oxygen saturation < 92%), bilateral or multilobe in-  Eastern Europe and Northern Africa.
                     volvement on chest X-ray.
                   Ascore of 2ormorecorefeatures suggestaseverepneu-  Aetiology
                   monia with indication for initial combined antibiotic  M. tuberculosis is an acid fast aerobic bacillus that grows
                   therapy.                                     slowly. It is spread by coughing up of live bacilli after
                                                                invasion of the disease into a main bronchus (open tu-
                                                                berculosis), which are then inhaled.
                   Tuberculosis                                   The rising prevalence and mortality of tuberculosis is
                                                                thought to be related to the following:
                                                                    Poverty and crowded conditions particularly in urban
                   Tuberculosis (TB) is a common chronic infectious dis-
                   ease caused by M. tuberculosis.
                                                                  Relaxation of disease control programmes in the mid-

                                                                  twentieth century when TB was declining.
                   Approximately 7000 new cases a year in the United     HIV co-infection.
                   Kingdom and rising throughout Europe and the United     Theemergenceofmultipledrugresistanceduetonon-
                   States.                                        compliance with medication.
                                                                Groups particularly at risk include the elderly, the very
                   Age                                          young, alcoholics, immunosuppressed, e.g. organ trans-
                   Any age                                      plant patients, chronic lung disease patients and hospital
                   M = F                                        Pathophysiology
                                                                The cell wall of Mycobacterium contains complex lipids
                   Geography                                    and glycolipids which sensitise T-cells to produce abun-
                   Risk of contracting TB is markedly greater in developing  dant cytokines, which recruit macrophages (a Type IV
                   countries, immigrants to the United Kingdom from the  hypersensitivity immune response). The macrophages
                   Asian sub-continent have a 40 times greater incidence of  can phagocytose the organisms, but mycobacterial cell
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