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                                                                                      Chapter 6: Clinical 227

                  Urine microscopy                               Table 6.2 Causes of proteinuria
                  This is performed on fresh mid-stream urine.
                                                                 Cause               Examples
                    White blood cells: >10 WBCs per high power field

                    (HPF)onuncentrifugedurineisabnormal.Causesin-  Physiological (up to  Fever
                    clude cystitis, tubulointerstitial nephritis and calculi.
                    Red blood cells: >1 RBC per high power field is                   Orthostatic proteinuria

                    abnormal. Red cells from the lower urinary tract look  Renal     Glomerular disease
                    like normal, round RBCs seen on a blood film. If they             Amyloidosis
                    are of variable size and shape, with blebs, budding or           Pyelonephritis
                                                                                     Acute tubular necrosis
                    as though a ‘bite’ has been taken out of an edge, they
                                                                 Lower urinary tract  Cystitis
                    are dysmorphic RBCs, which are a sign of glomerular              Obstructive uropathy
                    disease.                                     Extra-renal causes  Diabetes mellitus
                    Bacteria: Visible bacteria may be due to contamina-
                                                                  (most of these cause  Pre-eclampsia
                    tion of the specimen, or a urinary tract infection.  some degree of  Hypertension
                                                                  intra-renal damage)  Congestive cardiac failure
                    Whether treatment is needed depends on the number
                                                                                     Myeloma (or other cause of
                    of WBCs per HPF present.                                           increased plasma protein)
                    Crystals: Uric acid crystals and calcium oxalate or cal-

                    urine. Other types may signify an underlying disease.  Aetiology
                    Casts: These are cylinders formed in the renal tubules
                                                                Causes of proteinuria include those shown in Table 6.2.
                    from Tamm–Horsfall protein, which is normally se-
                    cretedbytubularepithelium.Inglomerularortubular  Pathophysiology
                    disease, cells in the urine become incorporated into  The glomeruli normally filter 7–10 g of protein per
                    the casts. Red cell casts are diagnostic of glomerular  24 hours, but less than 2% of this is actually excreted
                    disease. White cell casts occur in tubulointerstitial  because protein is actively reabsorbed in the proxi-
                    disease and pyelonephritis. Other sorts of casts such  mal tubules. Normal urinary protein excretion is <150
                    as granular or epithelial cell casts exist.  mg/24h,ofwhichlessthan35mgisalbumin.Proteinuria
                                                                may occur by various mechanisms.
                                                                1 Overflow: Increased plasma protein exceeding tubu-
                  Urinary electrolytes
                                                                 lar resorptive capacity, such as occurs in multiple
                  Comparing urinary and serum sodium concentration
                  is useful in the assessment of fluid balance. In hypona-
                                                                2 Glomerular proteinuria is due to increased permeabil-
                  traemia, a low urinary sodium is physiological, whereas
                                                                 ity of the glomerular basement membrane. Glomeru-
                  a high urinary sodium suggests renal failure. In a patient
                                                                 lar proteinuria may range from mild to heavy. Heavy
                  with a normal serum sodium, a low urinary sodium in-
                                                                 proteinuria (>3 g/day) is termed nephrotic range
                  dicates salt-and-water depletion (dehydration). Urinary
                                                                 proteinuria which indicates glomerular pathology.
                  sodium is also useful in differentiating types of acute re-
                                                                 Nephrotic range proteinuria with hypoalbuminaemia
                  nal failure. Following abdominal or pelvic surgery, it can
                                                                 and oedema is termed nephrotic syndrome.
                  be useful to measure urea and creatinine concentrations
                                                                3 Tubular disease causes impaired reabsorption of pro-
                  in fluid from drains or aspirated from a collection. If
                                                                 tein. Urinary β -microglobulin can be used as a mea-
                  these are similar to the urine urea and creatinine con-
                                                                 sure of tubular function, because this small peptide
                  centrations, this indicates a urinary leak.
                                                                 is completely filtered by the glomeruli and completely
                                                                 reabsorbed by normal tubules. The proteinuria is usu-
                                                                 ally mild in tubular disease, such as in acute tubular
                                                                 necrosis or pyelonephritis.
                  Definition                                     4 Increased secretion of protein (Tamm–Horsfall pro-
                  Agreater than normal amount of protein in the urine.  tein) by the kidneys or uroepithelium, which normally
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