Page 234 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   230 Chapter 6: Genitourinary system

                   Cystoscopy                                   Serum creatinine: Creatinine is produced as a waste
                                                                product when creatine phosphate is broken down in
                   Arigid or flexible fibreoptic cystoscope is introduced
                                                                muscle. The amount produced is lower in those with
                   through the urethra in order to visualise the interior
                                                                low muscle bulk, in women, children and the elderly.
                   of the bladder. Flexible cystoscopy can be done under
                                                                It is freely filtered, a small amount is also secreted at
                   local anaesthetic, as a daycase procedure, but rigid cys-
                                                                the tubules. Plasma creatinine is increased by strenu-
                                                                ous exercise, ingestion of meat, certain drugs (trimetho-
                   thetic. The bladder is distended with distilled water or
                                                                prim and cimetidine) impair tubular secretion. It is de-
                   saline, and forceps or diathermy loops can be inserted
                                                                creased in malnutrition, wasting diseases, immediately
                   through the instrument to take biopsies, and treat su-
                                                                after surgery and by corticosteroids. For these reasons
                   perficial bladder cancer (transurethral removal of blad-
                                                                there is wide variation in normal creatinine levels be-
                   der tumour – TURBT). The ureteric orifices can be in-
                                                                tween individuals. In most patients, serial or previous
                   spected, and fibreoptic ureteroscopes can be passed up,
                                                                measurements of creatinine are useful to monitor the
                   to look for ureteric lesions such as stones or carcinoma.
                                                                progress of renal function.
                   In addition, the ureteric orifice can be cannulated us-
                                                                Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): To assess the GFR
                   ing a fine-bore catheter, so that retrograde pyelography
                                                                the rate at which a substance is cleared from the plasma is
                   can be performed. Prophylactic antibiotics are needed,                                2
                                                                measured. The normal GFR = 80–130 mL/min/1.73 m
                   to reduce the risk of a urinary tract infection.
                                                                body surface area. Clearance is defined as the ‘virtual’
                                                                volume of blood cleared (by the kidney) of solute per
                                                                unit time. If a substance is completely filtered by the
                   Measuring renal function
                                                                glomeruli and not secreted, absorbed or metabolised by
                   Renal function testing involves measuring urea and cre-  the renal tubules then its urinary clearance equals GFR.
                   atinine and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Urea and  Creatinine almost fulfils these criteria, and is used in
                   creatinine may remain normal until more than half of  clinical practice to measure GFR using a 24-hour urine
                   renal function is lost.                      collection:
                   volume that is ultrafiltrated per minute is the GFR, and it  Urinary clearance =  (usually expressed in mL/min)
                   is the sum of the filtration that occurs in all the function-
                   ing nephrons. When nephrons are lost or are not func-  where U = urinary concentration, V = urine flow rate
                   tioning properly, there is compensation by the remain-  and P = plasma creatinine.
                   ing nephrons by hyperfiltration, and improved solute  Blood creatinine levels are inversely related to clear-
                   clearance. If there is poor blood supply to the kidneys,  ance. This means that with normal renal function a small
                   due for example to hypotension or cardiac failure, the  rise in creatinine means a large fall in GFR. Conversely
                   GFR will fall – even though the nephrons are intact.  in patients with moderate to severe renal failure, i.e. a
                   Serum urea: Urea is freely filtered at the glomeruli, but  low GFR, even a small further fall in GFR will result in a
                   variably reabsorbed by the tubules, and its production  large increase in creatinine (see Fig. 6.2).
                   fluctuates considerably, even within an individual. It is  24-hour urinary collections are inconvenient and in-
                   higher following protein intake, in a catabolic state, af-  accurate.Thecreatinineclearancecanbecalculatedfrom
                   tersteroids or gastrointestinal (GI) haemorrhage, and  a patient’s serum creatinine using formulae correcting
                   lower when patients are not eating, and in liver dis-  for factors like the patient’s age, sex and weight (which
                   ease.Indehydration,urearisesproportionallymorethan  adjust for muscle mass). The best known of these is the
                   creatinine because it is avidly reabsorbed at the proximal  Cockcroft and Gault formula:
                   tubules in a fluid-depleted state.
                                                                               1.23 × (140 − age) × weight (kg)
                     Aureaabove normal therefore suggests renal fail-  CrCl mL min =
                                                                                       Cr (µmol/L)
                   ure, GI bleeding or dehydration. If the creatinine
                   is also proportionally raised (creatinine is normally  Forwomen multiply by 1.04 rather than 1.23. When
                   ∼20× urea) above normal, this indicates intrinsic renal  accurate GFR measurement is needed the rate of clear-
                   failure.                                     ance of a radioisotope is used. This is indicated in severe
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