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                                                                         Chapter 6: Disorders of the kidney 235

                   Table 6.3 Causes of acute renal failure      Investigations
                                                                The aims are to try to distinguish acute and chronic renal
                   Cause              Examples
                                                                failure, between prerenal, renal or postrenal causes, as
                   Prerenal                                     well as the underlying cause.
                     Hypovolaemia     Bleeding, dehydration,
                                                                   Urgent urinalysis, followed by microscopy (to look for
                      and/or            diuretics
                      hypotension     Sepsis, cardiac failure, drugs  cells and casts) and culture.
                     Renal ischaemia or  Renal artery stenosis (acutely     Urine sodium concentration. In prerenal failure, or in
                      congestion        exacerbated by an        renal failure without tubular dysfunction the kidney
                                        ACE-inhibitor), aortic   will reabsorb sodium so that urinary sodium is less
                                        dissection, renal vein
                                        thrombosis               than 20 mmol/L (exceptions to this are in the presence
                     Severe liver disease  Hepatorenal syndrome*  of diuretics, in pre-existing chronic renal failure). If
                   Renal                                         there is tubular damage, then the ability of the kidney
                     Acute tubular    Any cause of pre-renal failure,  to concentrate sodium falls, so that urinary sodium
                      necrosis (ATN)    drugs and toxins
                     Acute glomeru-   Primary and secondary causes  rises to >40 mmol/L.
                      lonephritis       of glomerular disease      Bloods
                     Acute interstitial  Pyelonephritis, drugs   1 Anaemia (normochromic, normocytic if underly-
                      nephritis                                    ing disease or in chronic renal failure).
                     Cast nephropathy  Myeloma                   2 Raised urea, creatinine, K ,urate.
                     Diseases of      Haemolytic uraemic                    2+
                      glomerular        syndrome, vasculitis,    3 Reduced Ca  with increased PO 4 .
                      capillaries or    systemic sclerosis,      4 Na may be high, normal or low.
                      small/medium      accelerated phase        5 Arterial/venous blood gas shows a metabolic acido-
                      sized blood       hypertension,              sis usually with increased anion gap.
                      vessels           pre-eclampsia            6 LFTs.
                   Postrenal                                     7 Creatine kinase (CK) – raised in myocardial infarc-
                     Obstruction of the  Stones (bilateral), pelvic
                      bladder outflow    malignancy, bladder        tion but also very high in rhabdomyolysis (muscle
                      or bilateral upper  outflow obstruction,      breakdown).
                      tracts            retroperitoneal disease     ECG, chest X-ray.
                                        (lymphoma, aortic          Renal imaging to exclude obstruction–arenal ultra-
                                        dissection, retroperitoneal  sound should be obtained as soon as possible to look
                                                                 for hydronephrosis (dilated renal pelvis, calyces and
                   *Mechanism unclear, resolves with hepatic recovery.  ureters) and for renal size.
                                                                 Consider further tests for causes of ARF if diagnosis

                                                                 still unclear. These include autoantibody profile, com-
                  It is important to assess the volume status by assess-  plement levels, blood and urine tests for myeloma and
                  ing blood pressure, jugular venous pressure, skin turgor,  possibly a renal biopsy.
                  ankle or sacral oedema and pulmonary oedema. Hyper-
                  tension may be a feature.                     Management
                                                                Acute renal failure is an emergency, with possible life-
                                                                threatening complications.
                  Complications                                  Reversiblecausesshouldbetreatedassoonaspossible;
                  Hyperkalaemia may cause cardiac arrhythmias and sud-  withdraw any potentially nephrotoxic drugs, treat sepsis,
                  den death. Fluid overload may cause cardiac failure,  malignant hypertension, and relieve any obstruction.
                  pulmonary oedema. Gastric erosions and GI bleeding
                  are quite common. Uraemic pericarditis can rarely lead  Fluid management
                  to tamponade. During recovery of ATN, there may be     If volume depletion is causing renal failure then ap-
                  polyuria in which it is often difficult to maintain suffi-  propriate fluid replacement (usually colloid, crystal-
                  cient water and electrolyte input.             loidorblood)shouldbegiven.Fluidchallengesmaybe
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