Page 245 - Medicine and Surgery
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                                                                         Chapter 6: Disorders of the kidney 241

                                                                 Bowman's space
                                                                 (urinary lumen)
                                                                          Bowman's capsule
                           Proximal tubule                                       Podocyte
                           Bowman's capsule                                           membrane
                           Capillary loops
                           Bowman's space                                                  lumen
                           (urinary lumen)
                                                                                           Red blood
                                 Blood in                          Mesangium
                                                        Blood out
                                                                          Mesangial cell

                  Figure 6.7 Structure of the glomerulus.

                  The type of damage caused to the structure of the  Fibrinoid necrosis, where fibrin is deposited in the
                  glomerulus determines the pathological appearance, has  necrotic vessel walls. Crescents are formed when
                  abroad relationship to the effect on renal function and  necrotic vessel walls leak blood and fibrin, so that
                  hence the clinical presentation. The disease process may  macrophages and proliferating epithelial cells invade
                  be diffuse affecting all the glomeruli, or focal affecting  the Bowman’s space, crushing the glomerulus. If there
                  only some of the glomeruli. Affected glomeruli may be  arecrescentsinmostoftheglomeruli,thetermrapidly
                  completelydamaged(global),oronlyapartmaybedam-  progressiveglomerulonephritisisused,assevererapid
                  aged (segmental). Most glomerular diseases are either  onset acute renal failure usually results.
                  diffuse global or focal segmental.            Almost all forms of glomerulonephritis have a cellular
                  Within the glomerulus itself, there are different  or humoral immunological basis:
                  appearances:                                     Humoral response: Immune deposits (antibodies or
                    Proliferation of endothelial cells and mesangial cells  antibody–antigen complexes) in the glomerulus fix

                    is common in diseases that cause nephritic syndrome  and activate complement and a variety of other in-
                    (see Fig. 6.8). Endothelial cell proliferation leads to  flammatory mediators such as antioxidants, proteases
                    occlusion of the capillary lumen, reduced blood flow,  and cytokines. The sites, number and type of deposits
                    oliguria and acute renal failure. Mesangial cell pro-  determine the type and extent of damage caused.
                    liferation, which is usually associated with increased  Mesangial deposits cause mesangial cell prolifera-
                    production of mesangial matrix, can lead to scarring  tion and increased mesangial matrix. Subendothe-
                    (sclerosis) of all or part of the glomerulus. Increased  lial deposits are close to the glomerular capillary lu-
                    matrix can lead to reduced blood flow and/or protein-  men, so excite marked inflammation which can lead
                    uria.                                        to rapidly progressive glomerular nephritis, whereas
                    GBM thickening, which can be due to a number of  subepithelial deposits excite less of an inflammatory

                    mechanisms, tends to cause nephrotic syndrome, and  response, because the glomerular basement mem-
                    can be due to a number of mechanisms (often co-  brane prevents the influx of cells from the capillar-
                    existent) including deposition of immune complexes,  ies. Circulating immune complexes filtered by the kid-
                    over-synthesis of basement membrane material and  ney tend to cause less injury than complexes formed
                    in-growth of mesangium.                      de novo in the glomerulus.
                    More severe patterns may occur when the glomeru-  Cellular response: Some glomerular diseases (such

                    lar capillary walls are acutely and severely damaged.  as minimal change nephropathy and focal segmental
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