Page 34 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   30 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                   cardiopulmonary bypass to reduce heart movement and     Open valvotomy and valve repair is performed under
                   avoid additional ischaemia and internal defibrillating  cardiopulmonary bypass. The valve leaflets are sepa-
                   paddles are used to restore sinus rhythm.      rated under direct vision. This is used for patients with
                                                                  coexisting mitral regurgitation.
                                                                Valvular regurgitation when due to dilation of the valve
                                                                ring may be treated by sewing a rigid or semi-rigid
                   Aspirin is usually continued for the procedure, but other
                                                                ring around the valve annulus to maintain size (annulo-
                   antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel are stopped up to
                                                                plasty). If regurgitation is due to areas of flail leaflets, e.g.
                   5daysinadvance. During the procedure patients are
                                                                due to infective endocarditis or chordal rupture, part of
                   heparinised to prevent thrombosis. Antibiotic cover is
                                                                the leaflet may be resected or even repaired with a piece
                   provided using a broad spectrum antibiotic to prevent
                                                                of pericardium to restore valve competence.
                   bacteraemia. Operative mortality depends on many fac-
                                                                Valve replacement: Using cardiopulmonary bypass the
                   tors including age and concomitant disease, it usually
                                                                diseased valve is excised and a replacement is sutured
                   varies from 1 to 5%. There is a similar, age-related risk
                                                                into place. Valves may be divided into mechanical and
                   of stroke.
                                                                biological types:
                                                                  Early mechanical valves were ball and cage type such

                                                                  as the Starr–Edwards valve. Current designs all have
                   Approximately 90% of patients have no angina postop-
                                                                  some form of tilting disc such as the single disc Bj¨ ork–
                   eratively, with almost all patients experiencing a signifi-
                                                                  Shiley valve or the double disc St Jude valve. They are
                   cant improvement. Over time symptoms may gradually
                                                                  durable, but require lifelong anticoagulation therapy
                   return due to progression of atheroma in the arteries or
                                                                  to prevent thrombosis of the valve and risk of em-
                   occlusion of vein grafts. Less than half are symptom-free
                   at 10 years. Outcome is improved by risk factor modifi-     Biological valves may be xenografts (from animals)
                   cation(stoppingsmoking,loweringhighbloodpressure,  or homografts (cadaveric). Xenografts are made from
                   treating hyperlipidaemia and diabetes effectively, etc).
                     Angioplasty or re-do coronary artery surgery may be
                                                                  portive frame. They are treated with glutaraldehyde to
                   possible if medication is insufficient to control symp-
                                                                  prevent rejection and are used to replace aortic or mi-
                   toms; however, repeat surgery has a higher mortality.
                                                                  tral valves. They do not require anticoagulation unless
                                                                  the patient is in atrial fibrillation but have a durabil-
                   or native vessels.
                                                                  ity of approximately 10 years. Valve failure may result
                                                                  from leaflet shrinkage or weakening of the valve com-
                                                                  petence causing regurgitation, or calcification causing
                   Valve surgery
                                                                  valve stenosis.
                   Valvesurgery is used to treat stenosed or regurgitant  Valve replacements are prone to infective endocarditis,
                   valves, which cause compromise of cardiac function.  which is difficult to treat (and may require removal of a
                   Conservative surgery is performed whenever possible.  mechanical valve).
                   The aortic valve is not usually amenable to conservative  Valve replacement provides marked symptomatic re-
                   surgery and usually requires replacement if significantly  lief and improvement in survival. Operative mortality
                   diseased. A stenosed mitral valve may be treated by fol-  is approximately 2%, but this is increased in patients
                   lowing procedures:                           with ischaemic heart disease (when it is usually com-
                     Percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty in which a  bined with coronary artery bypass grafting), lung dis-

                     balloon is used to separate the mitral valve leaflets.  ease and the elderly. Perioperative complications include
                     This is now the preferred technique unless there is  haemorrhage and infection. Late complications include
                     coexisting mitral regurgitation.           haemolysis and valve failure. Arrhythmias also occur. All
                     Closed valvotomy uses a dilator that is passed through
                                                                prosthetic valves require antibiotic prophylaxis against
                     aleft sub-mammary incision into the left atrial ap-  infectiveendocarditisduringnon-sterileprocedures,e.g.
                     pendage.                                   dental treatment, lower gastrointestinal or urogenital
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