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                   34 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                     termed foam cells, an accumulation of which causes a  four patterns of plaque depending on its position and
                     visible pale bulge called a fatty streak.  the ratio of the lipid pool to the fibrous cap:
                   Fatty streaks are often visible within the first year of life,  Concentric fibrous: 48% of plaques
                   andtheseoccurworldwide,eveninareaswhereatheroma  Eccentric fibrous: 12% of plaques
                   is uncommon. This suggests that the initiation of fatty  Concentric lipid rich: 28% of plaques
                   streak may not be due to the risk factors for atheroscle-  Eccentric lipid rich: 12% of plaques
                   rosis.                                         The eccentric lipid rich plaques are the most likely
                     Stage III: The macrophages release lipid and cytokines  to ulcerate due to the markedly abnormal flow pattern

                     into the intima, resulting in the stimulation of intimal  through the vessel and the relatively thin fibrous cap.
                     cell proliferation. These cells secrete collagen and the
                     plaque becomes fibrotic. The result is a raised yellow
                     lipid plaque.
                     Stage IV: The secreted collagen forms a dense fibrous

                                                                consist of a pale lipid rich area and a pink stained fibrous
                     cap. The lesion, now termed a fibrolipid plaque, con-
                                                                cap. They contain varying amounts of free lipid, collagen
                     tains free lipid as well as foam cells with an overlying
                                                                and foam cells. Late in the evolution of a plaque the
                     fragile endothelium.
                                                                underlying media becomes thinned by pressure atrophy.
                   Clinical features
                   The classical description of angina pectoris is of a heavy  Investigations
                   chest pain, often described as like a tight band around     The ECG is often normal, although there may be signs
                   the chest. It may range from a mild dull ache or mild  of hypertrophy and old infarction.
                   chest tightness to a crushing, severe pain. It may radiate     Exercise ECG can determine exercise tolerance and
                   to the jaw or arms (especially the left), sometimes it is  usually shows ST depression or T wave changes in the
                   only in the jaw, neck, arm or hand. The nature of pain  distribution of the lesion (see Fig. 2.4).
                   and its severity do not necessarily indicate the severity of     Thallium-201 uptake scan may show areas of infarc-
                   disease. The pattern of pain is often more consistent. It is  tion and reversible ischaemia.
                   brought on by exertion or emotion and relieved within     Echocardiogram both during resting and under stress
                   afew minutes of rest. A grading system exists based on  (dobutamine) may show abnormal ventricular wall
                   the level of activity provoking pain (see Table 2.4). It  function.
                   is important to elicit whether there has recently been a     Coronary angiography can be used but carries a small
                   reduction in the exercise tolerance (crescendo angina),  morbidity and mortality risk.
                   or angina at rest (see section Acute Coronary Syndrome,     MRI angiography is non-invasive and may prove a
                   page 36).                                      useful alternative.

                   Atheroma tends to affect large and medium-sized arter-
                                                                Acute attack: stop exercise, use glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)
                   ies and is confined to the systemic circulation. There are
                                                                  General management includes identification and
                    Table 2.4 New York Heart Association classification  treatment of any exacerbating cause such as anaemia
                    of angina                                   or thyrotoxicosis. Risk factor modification is crucial, in
                    Grade I  Pain as a result of strenuous physical activity
                              only                              improving diabetic control and lowering cholesterol.
                    Grade II  Slight limitation of ordinary physical activity  Medical management: aspirin or other antiplatelet
                              (pain on walking up a hill)       agents such as clopidogrel reduce the risk of myocar-
                    Grade III  Marked limitation of ordinary activity (pain on  dial infarction. HMGCoA reductase inhibitors (statins),
                              walking on the flat)
                    Grade IV  Inability to carry on physical activity  which lower cholesterol, are effective for primary
                                                                and secondary prevention of myocardial infarction.
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