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                                                                                       Chapter 2: Clinical 31

                  procedures and they may also become infected from any  suitable interval by a ventricular beat if the atrium
                  source of bacteraemia.                         does not contract spontaneously.

                  Permanent pacemakers                          The pacemaker is inserted under local anaesthetic nor-
                                                                mally taking 45 minutes to 1 hour. A small diagonal
                  Cardiac pacemakers are used to maintain a regular  incision is made a few centimetres below the clavicle and
                  rhythm, by providing an electrical stimulus to the heart  the electrodes are passed transvenously to the heart. The
                  through one or more electrodes that are passed to the  pacemaker box is then attached to the leads and im-
                  rightatrium and/or ventricle.                 planted subcutaneously. The procedure is covered with
                    Common indications for a permanent pacemaker:  antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
                    Complete heart block.

                    Sick sinus syndrome with symptomatic bradycar-  Complications

                    dia.                                        The procedure is generally low-risk. The most impor-
                                                                tant complications are pneumothorax due to the venous
                                                                access and surgical site infection. As long as aspirin and
                  Types of permanent pacemaker                  anti-coagulants are stopped prior to the procedure, sig-
                  There are several types of pacemaker, most pacemak-  nificant haematoma or bleeding is unusual.
                  ers are programmable through the skin by radio trans-  The pacemaker function is checked within 24 hours
                  mission. Pacemakers may be single chamber, i.e. single  of implantation. Annual follow-up is required to ensure
                  electrode usually to the right ventricle, or dual cham-  that the battery life is adequate and that there has not
                  ber, i.e. one electrode to the right ventricle and one to  been lead displacement. Patients are allowed to drive
                  the right atrium. The descriptive code for the most com-  after 1 month (current DVLA rules), i.e. after the 4-week
                  monly used pacemakers consists of up to four letters (see  pacemaker check. Most pacemakers last 5–10 years.
                  Table 2.3).                                    In electromagnetic fields such as in airport security
                    Common types of pacemakers are as follows:  most pacemakers are now programmed to go into a de-
                    VVI is a single chamber pacemaker that senses and  fault pacing mode so as not to fail. Even so patients are

                    paces the ventricle. If it senses a beat, the paced beat  advised to avoid close proximity to strong electromag-
                    is Inhibited. It is often used in patients with atrial  netic fields. MRI scanning is contraindicated and pace-
                    fibrillation with AV block.                  makers must be removed postmortem, if the patient is
                    DDD is a dual chamber pacemaker that is capable  to be cremated.

                    of sensing and pacing both the atrium and ventricle.
                    It is used in complete heart block in the absence of  Echocardiography
                    atrial fibrillation. It can sense if an atrial beat is not
                    followed by a ventricular beat (due to lack of AV node  Echocardiography essentially means ultrasonography of
                    conduction), in which case it will trigger a ventricular  the heart. It is a very useful, non-invasive method by
                    beat. It can also trigger an atrial beat followed at a  which the heart and surrounding structures can be

                  Table 2.3 Descriptive codes for pacemakers
                                                               Code position
                                1                2                  3                    4
                  Category      Paced chamber    Sensed chamber     Pacemaker response   Program functions
                                V(Ventricle)     V (Ventricle)      T (Triggered)        P (Programmable)
                                A (Atrium)       A (Atrium)         I (Inhibited)        M (Multi-programmable)
                                D (Dual)         D (Dual)           D (Dual)             0 (none)
                                                 0 (none)           R (Reverse)          R (Rate responsive)
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