Page 410 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   406 Chapter 9: Dermatology and soft tissues

                   is often visible. If there is a superimposed infection the  Aetiology
                   lump may become red, hot and tender.         It is thought that there is herniation of synovial tissue
                                                                from a joint capsule or tendon sheath. The ganglion has
                                                                afibrous capsule and contains mucoid material.
                     Uninfected cysts are excised under local anaesthesia,

                     if required using an elliptical incision.  Clinical features
                     Infected cysts are first incised and drained. Excision
                                                                Aganglion may present as a swelling or pain commonly
                     is performed if still necessary once the infection has  around the wrist or the dorsum of the hand. On exami-
                     been treated.                              nation the swelling transilluminates.

                   Dermoid cysts
                                                                Ganglia may resolve or may be recurrent. Aspiration and
                   Definition                                    injection of a crystalline steroid may be useful, and in-
                   Acyst arising from deep implanted epidermal cells.  jection of hyaluronidase into the lesion prior to aspira-
                                                                tion may improve results. Surgical removal is effective,
                                                                although recurrence may still occur.
                   Dermoid cysts arise from epidermal cells, which have
                   been implanted into the dermis either during embry-  Skin tumours
                   onic development or following trauma. They are lined
                   with squamous epithelium and contain sebum, cells and
                   occasionally hair.                           Basal cell carcinoma
                   Clinical features                            Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a locally invasive skin can-
                   Cysts present as soft rubbery swellings deep to the skin.  cerarising from the basal layer of epidermis.
                   There may be fixation to the deep tissues.
                     Congenital dermoid cysts are found at sites of embry-  Incidence

                     onic fusion. The commonest congenital dermoid cyst  Approximately 75% of all skin tumours.
                     occurs at the junction between the frontal bone and
                     the maxilla at the lateral border of the orbit (external  Age
                     angular dermoid).                          Increases in incidence with age.
                     Implantation cysts occur following traumatic im-

                     plantation of epidermal cells. The surrounding skin  Sex
                     and subcutaneous tissue may be erythematous and  M > F
                   Management                                   Most common in Caucasians, and uncommon in dark-
                   Dermoid cysts are surgically removed. Congenital der-  skinned populations.
                   moid cysts require general anaesthesia due to the deep
                   extension.                                   Aetiology
                                                                Basal cell carcinomas are predisposed to by light and
                                                                ionising radiation. Sun exposure is the most important
                                                                aetiological factor particularly in individuals with fair
                   Definition                                    skin, pale eyes and red hair. Childhood sun exposure
                   Abenign cystic swelling occurring over a joint or tendon  appears to be important, especially if there is repeated
                   sheath.                                      intermittent intense exposure.
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