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                                                                                 Chapter 11: Adrenal axis 437

                  Table 11.9 Abnormalities of the adrenal axis
                                       Increased hormone                               Decreased hormone
                  CRH                  Cushing’s disease
                                       CRH-secreting tumour (very rare)
                  ACTH                 Cushing’s disease                               Hypopituitarism
                                       (ACTH-secreting pituitary tumour)
                                       Addison’s disease
                                       Nelson’s syndrome
                  Mineralocortic oids  Primary hyperaldosteronism (adenoma or hyperplasia)  Adrenocortical insufficiency
                                       Secondary hyperaldosteronism
                  Glucocorticoids      Cushing’s syndrome                              Adrenocortical insufficiency
                                       Causes include nodular hyperplasia, adrenal cortex tumour
                  Androgens            Congenital adrenal hyperplasia                  Adrenocortical insufficiency
                                       Also hyperplasia and tumours

                                                        Pain, stress, hypoxia, cold, hypoglycaernia
                                                                     +   −
                                                                    CRH     −

                                                      Anterior Pituitary  ACTH  −

                                                       Adrenal Glands

                                                   Outer zona glomerulosa  Inner zona fasciculata and zona reticularis

                                                     Mineralocorticoids   Androgens      Glucocorticoids
                                                      (Aldosterone)                        (Cortisol)
                  Figure 11.8 The adrenal axis.

                  are also secreted by the gonads (see Fig. 11.8 and  When aldosterone levels are high this may be due to
                  Table 11.9).                                  high renin levels (secondary hyperaldosteronism) or it
                                                                may be independent of renin production (primary hy-
                  Aldosterone                                   peraldosteronism).
                  Aldosterone is the corticosteroid with the most min-
                  eralocorticoid activity, so-called because it controls  Cortisol
                  sodium, potassium and water balance. Its production  Cortisol is the major glucocorticoid, although aldos-
                  is stimulated mainly by the renin–angiotensin system.  terone and corticosterone also have some effect. The glu-
                  Renin is secreted from the juxtaglomerular apparatus in  cocorticoids control glucose metabolism, for example
                  the kidney in response to reduced renal blood flow, for  gluconeogenesis, and mobilisation of fat stores (lipol-
                  example due to hypotension. In response aldosterone  ysis) amongst other actions. Cortisol exerts a negative
                  acts on the kidney and vasculature (see Fig. 11.9).  feedback on ACTH and CRH secretion. Glucocorticoids
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