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                   442 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                     Blood sugar monitoring to detect hypoglycaemia.  weakness, cramps, latent tetany and paraesthesiae. The

                     Definitive investigations should not delay treatment,  muscle weakness may present with paralysis. Polydipsia

                     steroids will not interfere with test results in the short-  and polyuria may be a feature.
                   Management                                   Adrenal cortical adenomas are well-circumscribed, yel-
                   Immediate fluid resuscitation with 0.9% saline (and 5%  low lipid laden tumours within the adrenal cortex.
                   dextrose if hypoglycaemia is present). Intravenous hy-  Adrenal cortical carcinomas are larger, with local inva-
                   drocortisone and broad-spectrum antibiotics are given.  sion and metastatic spread. In hyperplasia, the glands
                   Any underlying causes need to be identified and appro-  are enlarged, with increased number, size and secretory
                   priately managed.                            activity of the cells within the zona glomerulosa.

                   Hasa high mortality.
                                                                    Urea and electrolytes demonstrate the hypokalaemia
                                                                  and may show a mild rise in sodium. Hypokalaemia
                   Conn’s syndrome                                may lead to a mild metabolic alkalosis (H /K ex-
                                                                  change in the kidney). However, the use of diuretics
                                                                  to treat hypertension may mimic or mask these fea-
                   Conn’s syndrome is a condition of primary hyperaldos-
                                                                  tures. A high urinary K (>30 mmol/24 h) suggests
                                                                  primary aldosteronism.
                                                                  The definitive test is to measure aldosterone and renin

                   Incidence/prevalence                           baselines after a night’s rest (low in 1 aldosteronism,
                   Rare. Accounts for 1% patients with hypertension.  high in 2 aldosteronism) and after being upright
                                                                  (stimulates renin in normal individuals, but aldos-
                   Aetiology                                      teronism suppresses renin).
                   Eighty percent of cases are due to an adrenal adenoma.     CT scan of the adrenal glands. If negative, selective
                   In the remainder, there is diffuse hyperplasia of the zona  blood sampling may be required to find the source of
                   glomerulosa. Very rarely it is caused by an adrenal car-  aldosterone.
                   cinoma. Raised aldosterone is much more commonly a
                   physiological response to reduced renal perfusion as in
                   renal artery stenosis or congestive cardiac failure.
                                                                Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is usually treated with
                                                                spironalactone (inhibits the Na /K pump, i.e. antag-
                                                                onises aldosterone) to control the blood pressure. Ade-
                   Aldosterone is the most important mineralocorticoid
                                                                nomas and carcinomas should be removed surgically.
                   produced by the zona glomerulosa. It acts on the Na /
                                                                Spironalactone may be used prior to surgery.
                   K pump in renal tubular epithelial cells in the collecting
                   tubules, distal tubule and collecting duct increasing the
                   absorption of sodium and hence water with increased  Prognosis
                   loss of potassium. The rise in blood volume increases re-  30% have persistent hypertension after treatment,
                   nal perfusion and arterial blood pressure. However there  thought to be due to irreversible renal damage.
                   is a significant loss of K leading to hypokalaemia and
                   resistancetoantidiuretichormone.Thiscausesincreased  Phaeochromocytoma
                   urinary volumes and hence increased thirst.
                   Clinical features                            An APUD (amine precursor uptake and decarboxyla-
                   Hypertension and symptoms resulting from the hy-  tion) tumour of the adrenal medulla which produces
                   pokalaemia such as cardiac arrhythmias, muscle  adrenaline and noradrenaline.
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