Page 444 - Medicine and Surgery
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440 Chapter 11: Endocrine system
Age ACTH-secreting tumour of the pituitary which enlarges
Anyage, peak 20–40 years. post-bilateral adrenalectomy).
Sex Addison’s disease
8F : 1M
Aetiology First described by Thomas Addison in 1857, Addison’s
In virtually all patients, an ACTH-secreting pituitary disease is primary adrenal insufficiency.
adenoma is found, occasionally the cause is hypothala-
mic oversecretion of corticotrophin releasing hormone
In Western countries autoimmune disease is the com-
monest cause (80%). It is familial, and associated with
Pathophysiology/clinical features other organ specific autoimmune diseases, especially
As for Cushing’s syndrome. Unlike patients with ec- thyroid failure (Schmidt syndrome), autoimmune gas-
topic ACTH syndrome, patients with pituitary adeno- tritis, pernicious anaemia and vitiligo. Presence of HLA-
mas rarely have hypokalaemia, weight loss, anaemia or B8 association carries a x12 risk of developing disease.
hyperpigmentation. Worldwide, tuberculosis is still a very important cause
(see Table 11.11).
Bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia twice the size of
normal, with thickening of zona reticularis and the
The mineralocorticoids (90% activity by aldosterone,
zona fasciculata. The zona glomerulosa appears normal,
some by cortisol) act on the kidneys to conserve
because mineralocorticoid production is controlled pri-
sodium by increasing Na /K exchange in the dis-
marily by the renin–angiotensin system.
tal tubules and collecting ducts. In Addison’s dis-
ease, gradual loss of these hormones causes increased
Microscopy sodium and water loss with a consequent decrease in
The pituitary tumour is normally a microadenoma. The
cellscontain ACTH and its related peptides.
Table 11.11 Causes of adrenal insufficiency
As for Cushing’s syndrome (see page 438).
Adrenal enzyme defects
Management Congenital adrenal hypoplasia
The treatment of choice is transsphenoidal hypophysec- Acquired
tomy.Irradiationisusedpost-surgery,forpatientswhere Infectious – TB, histoplasmosis, HIV associated
complete resection was not possible. Drugs which in-
hibit adrenal cortisol synthesis are often used as adjunc- Vascular – haemorrhage (associated with meningococcal
tivetherapy,e.g.ketoconazole,metyraponeandaminog- septicaemia – Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome),
lutethimide. Their disadvantage is that they increase thrombosis
ACTH secretion so this enzyme inhibition is overcome Neoplastic – secondary carcinoma (e.g. lung)
Degenerative – amyloid
and the clinical effect is short-lived. Secondary
Bilateraladrenalectomyisstillusediftheadrenalshave Hypopituitarism
become semi-autonomous, however it must be followed Isolated ACTH deficiency
by pituitary treatment (e.g. irradiation) as otherwise the Following glucocorticoid therapy
Drug-induced glucocorticoid metabolism
pituitary adenoma can progress to cause hyperpigmen-
Rifampicin, carbamazepine
tation, local pressure effects and Nelson’s syndrome (an