Page 447 - Medicine and Surgery
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Chapter 11: Adrenal axis 443
Incidence Investigations
Uncommon. The cause of 0.2–0.5% of cases of adult Diagnosis is by measuring plasma levels of nora-
hypertension. drenaline, and urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline or
their metabolites vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and ho-
movanilyic acid (HVA). The paroxysmal secretion of
the hormones may mean repeated measurements are
Peak age 40–60 years.
needed. Adrenal CT scan is used to locate the tumour,
scanning with a radiolabelled catecholamine precursor
Sex (MIBG) can identify extra-adrenal tumours.
M = F
Aetiology Surgical excision where possible is the treatment of
Associated with the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia choice. Surgery has a high peri-operative risk and re-
(MEN) type II (see page 450). Also may be associated quires expert anaesthetic supervision. The blood pres-
with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, neurofibromatosis, sure must be carefully monitored and any rise coun-
tuberose sclerosis and the Sturge-Weber syndrome. teredwith i.v. phentolamine (α-receptor antagonist)
or nitroprusside. Intensive care postoperatively is pre-
Adrenergic blockade is necessary to oppose the cate-
10% of cases are malignant, 10% are extra-adrenal and
cholamine effects before surgery. Phenoxybenzamine
10% are bilateral. The adrenal medulla is functionally
(an α-receptor antagonist) is used initially, followed
related to the sympathetic nervous system, secreting
by β-blockade with propanolol.
In cases where surgery is not possible combined long
stimulation. High levels of sympathetic stimulation re-
term α- and β-blockers are used.
sult in increased heart rate, blood pressure, and sweat-
ing. There is decreased blood supply to the gut, increased
sphincter activity and metabolic effects, such as diabetes
10% of phaechromocytomas are malignant these have a
and thyrotoxicosis.
5year survival of less than 50%. Overall recurrence rate
of 10–15%.
Clinical features
ing, and palpitations. They are found to be hypertensive Adrenalectomy
which may be paroxysmal or continuous. Other signs in- Surgical removal of the adrenal glands may be neces-
clude pallor, dilated pupils and tachycardia. There may sary for a number of conditions (see Table 11.12). Large
be a postural hypotension secondary to volume deple- tumours, which may be malignant, are removed via a
tion. Phaeochromocytoma may present in pregnancy, or
with sudden death following trauma or surgery.
Table 11.12 Indications for adrenalectomy
Unilateral adrenal adenomas Cushing’s syndrome
Conn’s syndrome
Usually up to 5 cm spherical tumour with a pale cut Phaeochromocytoma
surface that oxidises to brown when exposed to air. Ex- Secondary metastases,
tramedullary tumours are usually found in the sympa- e.g. renal cell carcinoma
thetic chain, alongside the abdominal aorta. Bilateral adrenalectomy Bilateral tumours
Nodular hyperplasia
(causing Cushing’s or
Complications Conn’s syndrome)
Cushing’s syndrome if
Cardiovascular disease or cerebral haemorrhage. Persis-
pituitary treatment fails
tent hypertension causes hypertensive retinopathy.