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                                                                     Chapter 12: Leukaemia and lymphoma 487

                                                                recurrent infections and/or easy bruising and mucosal
                                                                bleeding. Other presentations include lymph node en-
                                                                largement, bone and joint pain. On examination there
                     Proerythroblast  Myeloid Stem cell  Megakaryoblast  may be pallor, bruising, hepatosplenomegaly and lym-
                      Erythrocyte                  Platelet
                              Monoblast   Promyelocyte          Abnormal leukaemic cells of the myeloid cell line replace
                                                                the normal marrow. Morphologically the blast cells in
                                                                AML may contain a stick like inclusion – Auer rods.
                              Monocyte     Myelocyte
                                                                The leukaemia is typed by cytochemical staining and
                                          Granulocyte           monoclonal antibodies to look for cell surface markers.

                  Figure 12.11 Myeloid haemopoesis.             Investigations
                                                                Blasts are seen in a peripheral blood film. Full blood
                                                                count shows a low haemoglobin, variable white count,
                  M2 Myelocytic leukaemia with differentiation
                                                                low platelet count. Bone marrow aspiration shows in-
                  M3 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
                                                                creased cellularity with a high percentage of the abnor-
                  M4 Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
                                                                mal cells. Bone marrow cytogentic studies allow classi-
                  M5 Acute monocytic leukaemia proliferation of mono-
                                                                fication into prognostic groups (e.g. t(8:21) and inv 16
                                                                are good prognostic indicators, whereas −7 and −5 and
                  M6 Acute erythroblastic leukaemia (myeloblasts &
                                                                poor prognostic indicators).
                  M7 Acute megakaryocytic leukaemia – myeloblasts &
                    megakaryoblasts (uncommon)
                                                                High dose cytotoxic drugs doxorubicine, cytosine,

                                                                etoposide are given cyclically. Supportive treatments in-
                    particularly prone to disseminated intravascular co-
                                                                clude red blood cell transfusions, platelet transfusions
                    agulation due to the presence of procoagulants within
                                                                and broad-spectrum antibiotics. Bone marrow trans-
                    the cytoplasmic granules of the promyelocyte. In M3
                                                                plantation may be used.
                    there is a characteristic chromosomal translocation
                    t(15:17), the promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) gene
                    and the retinoic acid receptor come to lie next to  Prognosis
                    each other and are therefore deregulated. Ninety-five  70% of those under 60 years will achieve remission with
                    percent of patients with M3 are induced into remis-  combination chemotherapy although the majority re-
                    sion by treatment with high dose retinoic acid. This  lapse within 3 years.
                    is not sustained and chemotherapy should also be
                    Cells in M5 (acute monocytic leukaemia) secrete
                                                                Chronic leukaemia
                    lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme) which can dam-
                    age the renal tubules causing hypokalaemia. Gum  Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
                    hypertrophy and hepatosplenomegaly is common
                    within this subgroup.
                                                                Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a leukaemic
                                                                proliferation of mature B lymphocytes.
                  Clinical features
                  Often there is an insidious onset of anorexia, malaise  Incidence
                  and lethargy due to anaemia. There is often a history of  1.8–3 per 100,000 per year
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