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                                                                            Chapter 12: Paraproteinaemias 491

                  Clinical features                             Age
                    Marrow infiltration results in anaemia, thrombocy-  Onset most commonly aged 60 years.

                    topenia and leucopenia.
                    Lytic bone lesions most commonly in the axial skele-

                    tonmay result in pathological fractures and bone
                                                                M > F
                    pain. Spinal cord compression occurs in approx-
                    imately 10–20% of patients at some time during
                    the course of disease. Hypercalcaemia causes thirst,
                                                                The abnormal proliferation of lymphoplasmacytoid
                    polyuria, constipation and abdominal pain.
                                                                cellsproduces high levels of IgM, which polymerises and
                    Renal failure.

                                                                results in increased plasma viscosity. Marrow infiltration
                                                                may result in pancytopenia.
                  The diagnosis of myeloma is made if there are:
                                                                Clinical features
                    Bone marrow aspirate has at least 10–15% plasma

                                                                Hyperviscosity presents as weakness, tiredness, confu-
                                                                sion and coma. Platelet opsonisation results in a func-
                    Lytic lesions on skeletal survey.

                                                                tional deficiency and hence an increased risk of bleed-
                    Monoclonal immunoglobulins in the urine or blood.

                                                                ing. Patients also often have peripheral lymphadenopa-
                  Other investigations include:
                                                                thy. Marrow failure may lead to symptoms and signs of
                    FBC may show signs of marrow infiltration anaemia,

                                                                anaemia, recurrent infections and bleeding.
                    thrombocytopenia, leucopenia.
                    The ESR is raised if there is a serum paraprotein.

                    Serum calcium may be raised.

                                                                   Full blood count: Haemoglobin, white cell count and
                    Hyperuricemia due to increased cell turnover.

                                                                  platelets may be low or normal.
                                                                  Bone marrow demonstrates lymphoplasmacytoid cell

                  Management                                      infiltration.
                  Chemotherapy with single alkylating agents improves     Protein electrophoresis shows an IgM parapro-
                  prognosis. High dose combination chemotherapy with  teinaemia.
                  or without haemapoetic progenitor cell transplantation     Plasma viscosity is raised.
                  is used in younger patients. Recently, thalidomide has
                  been demonstrated to produce a significant response
                  in 30% of patients whose disease progressed following
                                                                Chemotherapy produces a variable response. Plasma-
                  other therapy. Supportive care includes blood transfu-
                                                                pheresis is used for symptomatic hyperviscosity.
                  sion, radiotherapy for localised bone pain, correction of
                  hypercalcaemia with bisphosphonates and management
                  of renal impairment.                          Monoclonal gammopathy of
                                                                undetermined significance (MGUS)
                  Waldenstr ¨ om macroglobulinaemia             Definition
                                                                An abnormal clone of plasma cells producing a mildly
                  Definition                                     raised monoclonal immunoglobulin without features of
                  Lymphoplasmacytoid proliferation resulting in a high  multiple myeloma.
                  and bone marrow infiltration.
                                                                The immunoglobulin secreted is normally IgM. It poly-
                  Incidence                                     merises and causes a mild increase in plasma viscosity.
                  0.5 per 100,000 per year.                     Unlike multiple myeloma there are preserved levels of
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