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                                                                            Chapter 12: Bleeding disorders 493

                    Factor VIII levels above 5% causes bleeding only fol-  Aetiology/pathophysiology

                    lowing trauma or surgery, they may not present until  vonWillebrand factor (vWF) is a glycoprotein that has
                    later life.                                 two functions in haemostasis. vWF acts as a bridging
                  Sitesofbleeding include haemarthroses (bleeding into a  molecule between allowing platelet aggregation and ad-
                  joint causing pain and restriction of movement), mus-  hesion to damaged endothelium. vWF acts as a carrier
                  cle bleeds (often quadriceps, iliopsoas or forearm), in-  protein for circulating factor VIII increasing the half-life
                  tracranial bleeding (presenting as headache, vomiting  of factor VIII five-fold.
                  and lethargy), haematuria and mucosal bleeding.     Type 1 (autosomal dominant) is the most common
                                                                  type.It causes are reduction in the amount of vWF.
                                                                  Type 2 (usually an autosomal dominant) causes func-

                                                                  tional abnormalities of vWF. There are at least four
                  tedinfactor VIII concentrates during the 1980s, recom-
                                                                   Type 3 (autosomal recessive) causes extremely re-
                  binant factor VIII is now the treatment of choice. About
                                                                  duced or undetectable levels of vWF.
                  10% of patients develop antibodies to factor VIII:c mak-
                  ing them very difficult to treat.
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                Type 1 and 2 causes mild disease with bleeding following
                  Investigations                                injury, menorrhagia and epistaxis. Type 3 causes spon-
                    Activated partial thromboplastin time is raised, but  taneous bleeding from early life.

                    correctable with 50% normal serum (ie not due to an
                    inhibitor of coagulation) other coagulation measures  Investigations
                    are normal.                                    Activated partial thromboplastin and prothrombin
                    Factor VIII:c assay is low, Factor VIII:vwf is normal.  times are raised, but correctable with 50% normal

                                                                  serum other coagulation measures are normal.
                                                                   Factor VIII:vWF and VIII:c assays are low.
                    Bleeding is treated by intravenous administration of

                    factor VIII concentrates. Prophylaxis is the mainstay
                                                                Treatment of bleeding and prophylaxis in severe dis-
                    of treatment for those severely affected to prevent re-
                                                                ease uses intermediate purity factor VIII concentrates or
                    current haemarthroses and permanent joint damage.
                                                                VIII:vWF concentrates. 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vaso-
                    Patients who develop antibodies to factor VIII con-
                                                                pressin (DDAVP) releases factor VIII from endothelial
                    centrates may be successfully treated with recombi-
                                                                cells and is of value in mild to moderate disease.
                    nant factor VIIa.
                    1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) re-

                    leases factor VIII from endothelial cells. The response  Haemophilia B
                    is proportional to the pre-treated factor VIII levels
                    and thus is useful in mild disease.
                    Carrier detection is possible and antenatal diagnosis

                                                                IX deficiency.
                    Genetic counselling should be offered to patients and
                                                                1in 30,000.
                  von Willebrand disease
                  An inherited coagulation disorder resulting in platelet  Sex
                  dysfunction and low levels of circulating factor VIII.  X linked; males only affected.
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