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                   504 Chapter 12: Haematology and clinical immunology

                                                                             Central nervous system:
                                                                             Meningitis, encephalitis (HIV or
                          Eyes:                                              opportunistic)
                          Cytomegalovirus retinitis                          Abscesses (Toxoplasmosis)
                          Other infections include pneumocystis              neoplasms, encephalopathy
                          toxoplasmosis, syphilis.
                                                                             Peripheral nervous system:
                                                                             Spinal cord: Vacuolar myelopathy,
                          Respiratory system:
                                                                             acute myelopathy
                          Lymphoid interstitial pneumonits
                                                                             Peripheral nerves: Peripheral
                          Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
                                                                             neuropathies (acute or chronic
                                                                             demyelinating, mononeuritis
                          Skin:                                              multiplex, painful sensory axonal,
                          Seborrhoeic dermatitis                             drug relaxed neuropathy)
                          Viral warts (anogenital and skin)                  Cardiovascular system:
                          Herpes zoster                                      HIV associated cardiomyopathy
                          Herpes simplex
                          Molluscum contagiosum (pox virus)
                                                                             Gastrointestinal system:
                          Candidiasis (intertrigo and
                                                                             Oesophageal infections (candida,
                          mucocutaneous candidasis)
                                                                             herpes simplex cytomegalovirus)
                          Dermatophytoses (tinea pedis and
                                                                             Stomach/Duodenum: Neoplasia
                          onychomycosis)                                     (Kaposi's Sarcoma and lymphoma)
                          Scabies                                            HIV enteropathy: Diarrhoea,
                          Pityriasis versicolor or rosea                     malabsorption and weight loss
                          Non infective skin lesions
                          (disseminated purpura, drug reaction)
                                                                             Anaemia of chronic disease
                          Genitourinary system:                              Neutropenia
                          HIV associated nephropathy (HIVAN)                 Thrombocytopenia purpura

                   Figure 12.19 Systemic manifestations of HIV and AIDS.

                     progressive immunodeficiency. Symptoms may be     Patients are at risk of developing lymphomas most
                     less specific with fever, weight loss, fatigue and cough.  commonly non-Hodgkin’s large B cell lymphoma in
                     Patients with low CD4 counts frequently have extra-  extranodal sites. These may result from reactivated
                     pulmonary disease, e.g. bone marrow, lymph nodes,  or latent Epstein Barr virus. Gastrointestinal lym-
                     CNS or liver. Drug resistance (often multiple) is a  phoma is the commonest site. Presentation is vari-
                     growing problem.                             able (dysphagia in oesophageal, haematemesis in the
                     Mycobacterium avium intracellulare causes infection  gastric, obstruction or perforation in the colon, al-

                     via the respiratory or GI tract and causes fever,  teredbowel habit and bleeding in rectal lymphomas).
                     night sweats, weight loss, anorexia and malaise,  Intrathoratic lymphomas cause pleural effusion, me-
                     hepatomegaly, chronic diarrhoea and abdominal  diastinal lymphadenopathy and reticulonodular pul-
                     pain. Anaemia is common. Treatment is with a four  monary infiltrates. Oral lymphomas may present in
                     drugcombinationsuchasethambutol,rifabutin,clar-  the tonsils, alveolus, palate, or cheek regions. Cerebral
                     ithromycin and amikacin.                     lymphomas present with encephalopathy, brain stem
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