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                                                                          Chapter 12: Clinical immunology 499

                          First contact with antigen produces  IgE binds to receptors on the  Second antigen contact causes
                          an IgE antibody.            cell surface of the mast cells.  cross linking of cell surface IgE.
                                                                              There is degranulation with release
                                                                              of mediators including histamine.

                  Figure 12.15 Type I hypersensitivity.
                    Anormal ‘self’ antigen, e.g. Goodpasture syndrome,  Type IV hypersensitivity (T cell mediated

                    myasthenia gravis, or autoimmune haemolytic  delayed type hypersensitivity)
                    anaemia.                                    This type of hypersensitivity reaction occurs when an
                    Anovel self-antigen may also become immuno-  antigen interacts with antigen-specific CD8 cytotoxic

                    genic e.g. α methyldopa (an antihypertensive) causes  and CD4 helper T-cells. This results in the release pro
                    haemolysisbyalteringthecellmembraneofredblood  inflammatory cytokines and causes the recruitment of
                    cellsresulting in the expression of a red cell hidden  multiple cells amplifying a small specific response into a
                    antigen.                                    largenon-specificreaction.Thisisthebasisofgranuloma
                    Alternatively either the antibody (e.g. haemolytic dis-  formation.ExamplesoftypeIVhypersensitivityinclude:

                    ease of the newborn) or the antigen (e.g. transfusion     Contacthypersensitivity:Anepidermalreactionatthe
                    reactions) may be foreign.                    site of contact with the antigen often elicited by small
                  The cell becomes coated (opsonised) with antibody,  molecules called haptens. Exposure to an agent such
                  which then activates the complement system leading to  as nickel through the skin results in sensitisation of
                  local tissue damage. An antibody coated target is also  CD4+ Tcells. Re-exposure to nickel results in T cell
                  open to attack by phagocytes and killer cells (antibody  activation, activation of macrophages and release of
                  dependent cellular cytotoxicity or ADCC).       local cytokines.
                                                                  Tuberculin hypersensitivity in which soluble antigens

                                                                  from mycobacteria administered subcutaneously re-
                  Type III hypersensitivity (immune complexes)
                  Immune complexes are formed of antibodies bound to  sults in fever, general unwellness, and an area of red,
                  antigens. These are normally cleared from the tissues  hard swelling at the site of injection.
                  and the circulation. If they persist they result in local
                                                                Type V stimulatory
                  inflammation, cell accumulation, complement fixation
                                                                In type V hypersensitivity reactions an autoantibody is
                  and cellular damage. Immune complex mediated hyper-
                                                                directly stimulatory via a target receptor. An example
                  sensitivity can be divided into:
                                                                of this class is the antibody to the TSH receptor seen
                    External systemic which manifests as serum sickness,

                                                                in Grave’s disease, which stimulates the thyroid gland
                    in which there is immune complex formation within
                                                                causing hyperthyroidism.
                    the circulation, then tissue deposition resulting in lo-
                    calinflammation,cellaccumulation,complementfix-  Urticaria (see page 390)
                    ation and damage. Other examples include penicillin
                    allergy and infective endocarditis.         Anaphylaxis
                    External local such as extrinsic allergic alveolitis in

                    which there is local IgG production and cellular infil-  Definition
                    tration within the lung.                    Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction consisting
                    Endogenous such as systemic lupus erythematosus  of urticaria and angioedema, hypotension and bron-

                    and rheumatoid arthritis.                   chospasm.
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