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                   60 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                       I                   aVR                 V1                  V4

                       II                  aVL                 V2                  V5

                       III                 aVF                 V3                  V6

                       Rhythm strip

                   Figure 2.13 Left bundle branch block.

                   (see Fig. 2.13). Acute left bundle branch block may be a  caused by ischaemic heart disease, fibrosis of the bundles
                   sign of acute myocardial infarction (see pages 37–39).  or pulmonary disease. Acute onset right bundle branch
                                                                block may be associated with pulmonary embolism or a
                   Complications                                rightventricular infarct.
                   Syncope due to intermittent complete heart block.
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                Right bundle branch block is asymptomatic and is often
                   Treatment is not necessary.
                                                                an incidental finding. There is widened splitting of the
                                                                heart sounds with the pulmonary sound occurring later
                   Right bundle branch block                    than normal.
                   Block to the right branch of the bundle of His, which
                                                                The characteristic RsR’ is seen best in lead V1 and a
                   normally facilitates transmission of impulses to the right
                                                                late S wave is seen in V6. Complete block of the bundle
                                                                results in a QRS complex of greater than 0.12 seconds
                                                                (see Fig. 2.14).
                   Right bundle branch block is often due to a congenital
                   abnormality of little significance, but may be associated  Complications
                   withatrialseptaldefects.Inolderpatientsitiscommonly  Syncope due to intermittent complete heart block.
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