Page 15 - December 2020
P. 15

a laugh’. Bhara’s dismissal on the basis of gross
               misconduct for bringing Ikea into disrepute was
               held as fair by the tribunal as it fell into a reasonable                                 Image: via
               range of responses by any likely employer and
               followed genuine belief from fair investigation.

               ONLINE EVENTS                                       allowed. Include the reasons why and that the

               We are frequently asked that if a work party takes  company cannot be held responsible for any
               place online and staff are getting drunk, being     gatherings that take place without their
               discriminatory, getting together in breach of social  knowledge or authorisation even if they are in
               distancing, taking drugs prior to the party or      the name of the company
               committing other company breaches, then how far  •  If you are holding an online event, ensure that
               can company liability be taken, especially when these  there is a clear distinction between a social event
               acts are taking place within an employee’s own      and a work event—how the invite is worded,
               home? Whilst there are no cases on these exact      who is paying for it, the activity and date and
               issues as yet, the best advice is that it is likely the  time together with other factors will help
               previous decisions based on the nature of the job, the  determine this. If it is a work event, ensure
               connection to work, and the reasonableness of any   banter does not become discriminatory, that
               process or action will be considered. Companies     competition when playing games does not get
               planning to deliver loads of alcohol to employees’  out of hand and that no one is missed out on
               homes and encouraging them to drink it at an online  with all staff being treated equally.
               party could be held liable for such behaviour even if  •  No party for management, unfortunately.
               committed in employee’s homes—despite being         Management is likely to be held liable for any
               away from the workplace and are not in the same     issues they start or are found to be involved in.
               location as one another.                            For these reasons, it is strongly advised that
                                                                   management not participate in the party, but
               TOP TIPS FOR EMPLOYERS                              instead act as monitors of other staff.
               •   Make sure whether you are allowed physical  •   Make sure to take complaints seriously. If you
                   gatherings. COVID has changed many things,      receive any complaints after a party or work
                   and even the rules applied during the pandemic  event, do not dismiss it out of hand on the basis
                   are continually shifting on a localised basis. Stay  that it was not inside of work or that everyone
                   tuned to what you can and cannot do. Breaches   attended of their own free will—case law has
                   of any of these rules may not only lead to fines  shown that is not going to work. Full
                   and convictions for an organisation but could   investigations are necessary, and they are time
                   also lead to issues relating to whistleblowing.  well spent.
               •   If you are not allowed to have a physical
                   gathering, then it is worth sending out a memo
                   to all staff mentioning that these are not

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