Page 10 - December 2020
P. 10



               Socially Distanced Christmas

               Worldwide deaths from Corona - 1.4million+, UK deaths from Corona - 58K+,
               Average units alcohol consumed per week - 9, Number of redundancies - 11,
               Family lives I ruined this month - 4, Number of new clients this month - 3

               WHAT A YEAR. While I am glad to see the back    HR professionals. HR professionals have been
               end of 2020, I’m also left wondering what else has  shown, in no uncertain terms, just what UK
               disappeared along with it. My sanity?           businesses think of our industry.The general
               My patience? Thousands upon                     perception of HR is that we are without value,
               thousands of businesses                               disposable and easily removed. I see it from
               (including some of my                                                      the number of
               clients) and even the way HR is                                            friends and
               managed, respected or valued?                                              colleagues who are
               Most of these changes are                                                 looking for work.
               not for the better—                                                        Interestingly, a
               (although I never                                                        recent report from
               actually had much                                                         HRCI confirms
               patience, to begin                                                         there have been
               with). I believe that                                                      over one hundred
               many of the changes                                                        and sixty thousand
               which have taken                                                           job adverts for HR
               place this year,                                                           generalist roles in
               affecting businesses                                                      the past twelve
               and HR, are not                                                           months. A quick
               temporary. It seems the                                                 look around at those
               things we have lost so                                                  who are out of jobs,
               far are now greatly                                                     and knowing there are
               diminished or entirely                                                  over six hundred
               gone forever.                                                           candidates for nearly
                 Business attitudes                                                    every publicly
               towards HR, the ability of workforces to be flexible  advertised HR role, is strong evidence to support the
               and the ways in which we communicate are just   notion that the industry is in trouble.This is where
               three genies which can’t be put back in their bottles.  HR professionals have to prepare themselves and
               Generally, employees have become more accountable  accept that they need to change and start providing
               and independent than ever before; this can only be a  value. Long gone will be the days where we can just
               good thing for a business. Employees are being given  follow the process and fill in templated letters.The
               the opportunity to reach their own potential and  administration has been banished to the cloud, and
               create their own successes. Yet, this is bad news for

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