Page 8 - December 2020
P. 8


                                          by Kathy Daniels, Associate Professor of HR, DLP

               WHILST WE MAY need to wait nearer to            employees were only at the
               Christmas to understand the exact limitations placed  event because they
               on us this year, under normal circumstances we  worked together,
               regularly see HR people writing articles about the  and they were only
               dangers of the office party. We know that employees  at the ‘after-party’
               might drink too much alcohol, behaviour may     because of the
               deteriorate, and problems can occur.There are always  office party
               several people suggesting that it would be better if  arranged by the
               we just did not have an office party.This year those  employer.The
               who have concerns about Christmas parties will be  liability of the
               able to rest as it is very unlikely that there will be any  employer has been
               parties. Or maybe they still have something to be  further explained in two
               concerned about…                                other cases dealt with by the Supreme Court. In
                 The reason concerns are raised about the office  Mohamud v Morrisons Supermarkets plc (2016), an
               party is the risk of employees claiming harassment  individual stopped at a garage to ask if it were
               because of the behaviour of their colleagues.The  possible to print some documents.The employee
               office party is an extension of what happens at work  who served the individual subjected him to racial
               - the only reason people attend is that they are part of  abuse, and then went out to the forecourt and
               the workforce, and the employer is liable for what  attacked him.The employer tried to argue that the
               happens there. Given the restrictions of COVID-19,  employee had acted so far outside of his employment
               do we get a year off from this worry? No, I do not  role that it was not liable. In Cox v Ministry of Justice
               think we do. Inevitably, there will be some inventive  (2016), the employee worked as a catering manager
               approaches to the lack of the in-person party. It is  in a prison. One of the prisoners working in the
               likely that we will instead see parties on Zoom or  kitchen dropped a bag of rice on her back as she was
               Microsoft Teams. While this means we will not have  bending down, causing her injury.The employer
               employees facing any inappropriate physical     argued that it was not liable because the prisoner was
               behaviour, there could still be inappropriate verbal  not an employee.
               behaviour. If employees are encouraged to bring   In both these cases, the arguments were
               their own drinks, and to ‘party’ virtually, problems  unsuccessful.These three cases show us that courts
               could occur. All this means we need to refresh our  tend to look at vicarious liability quite broadly, and
               thoughts about vicarious liability.             arguing that an individual is acting outside of his or
                 In the case of Bellman v Northampton Recruitment  her employment role will definitely not be
               Ltd (2018), the employees were at an office party and  successful.
               then went on to another location to continue
               drinking and partying.There was a physical assault  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE SOCIALLY
               on Bellman which left him permanently disabled.  DISTANCED CHRISTMAS PARTY?
               The employer argued that it was not liable because  •  Employers should set out very clear rules for
               the employees had moved on from the office party,   behaviour, even though it is a virtual celebration.
               and therefore the link to their employment was too  A message reminding employees of what is and
               vague.This argument was unsuccessful as the         is not acceptable conversation could be
                                                                                                                         Image: Алсу Ягудина via Unsplash

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