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Simon is the Senior
Director of IMG Culinary,
KEE FOONG RACHEL READ organisers of Taste
The former editor of Luxe Rachel is a freelance festivals around the
City Guides and Cathay writer and editor globe.
Pacific’s Discovery with over a decade’s
magazine, Kee is a experience contributing
One tip for
polyglutton who defies to both local and
photographing your
language barriers to international publications. food?
eat his way around the MINA PARK
globe. No flash—it’s so
What’s always in your The founder of culinary uncouth.
fridge? brand Sook is also a food What’s your guilty
What do you always Jars of anchovies! writer and photographer pleasure?
have in your bag? CATHY CHON currently focused on
What’s for breakfast A dirty burger.
Notebook, though not Cathy is the founder most of the time? Korean culinary traditions
used as often as I should. and managing director and sustainability. The food trend you
Sift cupcakes. loathe the most?
Who’s a chef to watch of CatchOn, a brand Your signature dish?
in 2018? communications and PR Worst food trend? Deconstructed dishes—it
just makes more work for
Kamilla Seidler of Gustu consultancy specialising Crispy bacon with a Unicorn food—no adult the person eating them!
perfect sunny-side up
in La Paz. in hospitality. needs to eat pastel
egg fried in the bacon fat.
One tip for rainbow-coloured lattes
photographing your Your guilty pleasure? or toasts.
food? A jar of freshly made The one kitchen tool
Spend less time on it and taramasalata. you can’t live without?
more on enjoying the Worst food trend? Other than a really sharp
food and company. knife, my Vitamix.
Celebritisation of chefs.
What’s your poison?
Three people you’d
invite to your ideal Natural wine.
dinner party?
Alfonso Cuaron, Ennio
Morricone, and someone
campy like Adele.
10 | T .DINING 2018