Page 14 - The European Business Review
P. 14

Transformation Economy

          The Transformation Economy offers tremendous scope:        an investment in time and resources. Nonetheless
                                                                     such partnerships offer a platform for loyalty
          turning social and environmental issues                    and strong customer engagement which is very
          into business opportunities that can make                  different from today’s business environment
                                                                     where propositions are easily copied and under
          brands more meaningful and respected,
                                                                     constant price pressure.
          and it can generate long lasting revenue.                    :H EHOLHYH WKH ZD\ IRUZDUG LV ÀUVW WR FUHDWH
                                                                     awareness and stimulate interest in issues that may
                                                                     resonate within your organisation. It’s a matter of
                        contrary, such solutions should offer better quality,  ÀQGLQJ WKH ULJKW RSSRUWXQLWLHV WKDW \RX FDQ OHYHUDJH
                        a higher level of performance and a better experi-  to build capacity and relationships to succeed in
                        ence than current ones. It is a matter of doing well  this new paradigm. Internal organisational transfor-
                        (building a loyal customer base by delivering a great  mation is as important as external. Breaking down
                        experience) as well as doing good (delivering results  silos and creating multi-disciplinary platforms able
                        RQ FRPPLWPHQWV WR VROYH VLJQLÀFDQW VRFLHWDO LVVXHV    to participate in value sharing network initiatives is
                           This requires all key stakeholders and partners  essential. Companies can only inspire external stake-
                        to participate in setting clear performance and  holders and partnerships if they themselves radiate
                        quality targets using a top-down and bottom-up  passion, commitment, and a spirit of collaboration
                        approach that creates a sense of ownership in the  to solve challenges and to transform how value is
                        solution. In addition, the use of people-focussed  created and shared.
                        research tools and design-thinking methodologies
                        can help in gathering deep, qualitative insights and  About the Authors
                        FR FUHDWLRQ RI FRQWH[W VSHFLÀF YDOXH SURSRVL-          Dr. Simona Rocchi is Senior Design
                        tions able to deliver the desired user experiences.    Research Director in Innovation and
                                                                               Sustainability at Philips Design. She
                             Leverage Learning in Contexts with Similar        manages the creative direction of stra-
                             Challenges and Conditions                         tegic design initiatives, and she oversees
                        7For most companies, experimenting with      multi-stakeholder collaborative activities in emerging
                        opportunities in the Transformation Economy  markets. Simona holds a PhD in Sustainability, an
                        starts gradually. Capturing and leveraging lessons  MSc. in Environmental Management and Policy and
                        from successes and failures (together with the  an MSc. in Architecture.
                        partners involved) helps to ease the way to new        Dr. Bahaa Eddine Sarroukh is
                        opportunities in other contexts with similar chal-     Head of the Philips Africa Innovation
                        lenges and conditions. This allows the network to      Hub in Kenya. He focuses on devel-
                        continue to extend its market for value delivery and   oping innovations within the African
                        to build on its experience. It may also increase the   ecosystem. He has built leadership in
                        attractiveness of new partners for similar ventures  innovation in low resource settings, and recently
                        in different settings.                       developed the Philips Community Life Center
                                                                     approach. He holds a PhD in Signal Processing
                        Final Word                                   and Applied Mathematics.
                        The Transformation Economy offers tremen-              Karthik Subbaraman  is a healthcare
                        dous scope: turning social and environmental           professional with clinical and manage-
                        issues into business opportunities that can make       rial experience in emerging and
                        brands more meaningful and respected, and it           developed markets. A thought-leader in
                        can generate long lasting revenue. Furthermore,        healthcare requirements and solutions
                        working towards outcomes with a sense of     in Sub-Saharan Africa and India, Karthik is engaged
                        purpose can motivate and engage employees.   in consultancy projects with governments and
                        But there are no business models to “cut and  global organisations to design and deploy clinical
                        paste”, and value creation partnerships require  DQG RSHUDWLRQDO ZRUNÁRZV LQ SULPDU\ FDUH

         14      The European Business Review    January - February  2018
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