Page 12 - The European Business Review
P. 12
Transformation Economy
semi-urban area in the east of Nairobi) with and repeat) have risen from 6 to 13 per quarter,
the goal of reducing the extremely high rate to as many as 670 clients. Furthermore,
of maternal and newborn mortality in the local as patient and visitor numbers have grown,
community. The second, 32,33 is in Mandera, a services such as street food vendors, public
rural county in north-eastern Kenya with one of transport and private “boda boda” motorcycle
the world’s highest maternal mortality ratios. 35 WD[L VHUYLFHV KDYH ÁRXULVKHG
For these projects, Philips worked closely
with the Ministry of Health, local governments,
other businesses and NGOs. The CLCs Cooperation and commitment from a
were scoped in collaboration with all the range of stakeholders and partners requires
stakeholders including the local community;
the design and research team leveraged transparency and trust. Parties should
“design thinking” and “people centric” be able to discuss and agree on the notion
capabilities and tools to gather qualitative,
FRQWH[W VSHFLÀF VRFLR FXOWXUDO LQVLJKWV of value in the context of their joint-action
Philips also drew on other core capabilities – and how value will be created and shared.
clinical consultancy, health systems expertise
(particularly in public health and evaluation),
and new business development – to provide
the medical hardware and services, work- More widely, Philips and its strategic stake-
DQG SDWLHQW ÁRZV DQG WUDLQLQJ 7KLV WUDLQLQJ holders are engaged in studies and evaluations
includes also introducing Community Health WR H[SORUH FRVW LPSOLFDWLRQV TXDQWLÀFDWLRQ
Workers (CHWs) to a social franchising model RI FOLQLFDO SHUIRUPDQFH ÀQDQFLDO PRGHOV
where CHWs offer care in people’s home and use-cases for long-term sustainability of
supported by the Philips medical backpack. CLCs. Lessons have been learnt about regu-
More recently, in 2017, the implementa- latory issues (e.g. over a healthcare facility
tion of a mini-CLC in a remote rural site in ZDQWLQJ WR VHOO ZDWHU WR ÀQDQFH GD\ WR GD\
Tadu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, operations in a context where health care
PDUNHG DQ LPSRUWDQW VWHS LQ FRQÀUPLQJ is often free); and about the importance of
the capacity of the CLC approach to trans- LQLWLDO VFRSLQJ FOHDUO\ GHÀQHG MRLQW JRDOV DQG
pose and scale to different geographical and roles and responsibilities.
socio-cultural settings. Elsewhere, Philips is Internally, Philips has crystallised this learning
part of a consortium led by Amref to estab- into a “cookbook”, detailing the methodology
lish a CLC focused on the delivery of sexual and processes that constitute the CLC approach.
reproductive health services in Ethiopia. The Although each situation is different and
company is also investigating new opportuni- requires complex solutions based on high-level
ties to set up CLCs in Sub-Saharan Africa and consultancy and cooperation, this cookbook
South East Asia. will facilitate future scaling by enabling next
iterations to draw on what has gone before.
Measuring and Learning
Measurement reveals the CLCs’ outcomes. Seven Recommendations for Innovating in the
For example, in Githurai a locally-approved Transformation Economy
operational monitoring and evaluation plan What do these case studies reveal about using
FRQÀUPHG LWV SRVLWLYH UHVXOWV 5HFHQW GDWD innovation to turn societal challenges into
indicates that some 6000 clients were seen in opportunities for value creation? We believe
RXWSDWLHQW YLVLWV LQ WKH ÀUVW TXDUWHU RI the examples in this article share seven factors
with adult women comprising 63% of the that can help innovators, entrepreneurs and
female population (a six-fold increase since the corporations who team up across sectors to
CLC was opened). And ante-natal visits (new create sustainable business for the long-term.
12 The European Business Review January - February 2018