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Transformation Economy

           Table1-Paradigms in value creation
           Overview of value creation from a ‘people’ as well as a business perspective
                                 1950>>             1980>>              Unfolding           Future
                                 Industrial         Experience          Knowledge           Transformation
                                 economy            economy             economy             economy
                 Captivating idea  Product ownership  Experience        Self Actualisation  Meaningful Living
              Mindset  View      Local              Global              Contextual          Systemic
                                 Modernising one’s life
                                                                        Individual empowerment
                                                    Explore lifestyle identities
                                                                                            Address collective issues
                                                    Work hard play hard
                  ƛ" 1
                                                                                            Meaningful contribution
                                                                        Develop your potential
                                 Productivity & family life
              People  Skills     Specialisation     Experimentation     Creativity          Transformative thinking
                                 Follow cultural codes
                                                    Break social taboos
                                                                        Pursue Aspirations
                                                                                            Empathy & cooperation
                 Economic driver  Mass production   Marketing & branding  Knowledge platforms  Value networks
              Mindset  Focus     Product function   Brand Experience    Enabling creativity  Enhancing meaning
                                                                        Enabling open-tools
                                                    Product-service mix
                                                                                            Inclusive value networks
              Business  Value proposition  Commodities  Targeted experiences  Enable self-development  Ethical value exchange
                                                                                            Leverage cooperation
                                                                        Enable to participation
                                                    Promote brand lifestyle
                                 Persuade to purchase
          Source: Brand, R. and Rocchi, S., Rethinking value in a changing landscape. A model for strategic reflection and business transformation, 2011.

          the realisation that despite economic progress, the world’s   The size of the challenge – and the opportunity – is
          population is facing persistent socio-economic inequality  huge. According to one estimate by the United Nations
          (especially in emerging markets) and mounting environ-  Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the
          mental challenges. People are looking for solutions to  SDGs could cost between USD 2.5 and 4.5 trillion a year
          global issues that affect their quality of  life, and this is  between 2015 and 2030. However, complex global issues
          opening new business spaces. (See Table 1)         cannot be solved by any single company or stakeholder.
            Recognising this shift, certain brands are directing  In this new paradigm, business value is associated with
          some of their value creation efforts in new directions, in  LQFOXVLYH YDOXH QHWZRUNV WKDW FDQ GHYHORS FRQWH[W VSHFLÀF
          particular towards the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development  solutions. The way ahead lies in a variety of venturing and
          Goals (SDGs).   The quest for answers and opportunities  cooperation models that share complementary capabili-
          LQ VRFLHWDO JRDOV DQG FROOHFWLYH QHHGV LV LQÁXHQFLQJ UHVHDUFK   ties, resources, investment risks and return on investments
          development and design in companies as diverse as Danone,  – networks which together can amplify positive social,
          DSM, Interface, Johnson & Johnson, Tesla, Unilever,  economic and environmental impact.
          Vodafone, and Royal Philips, to name a few. This is not   Such networks may include Private-Public-Partnerships
          philanthropy or Corporate Social Responsibility. These   333V   DV ZHOO DV D YDULHW\ RI )RU 3URÀW DQG 1RW IRU 3URÀW
          companies are following a commercial rationale to re-direct  cooperation platforms. But these PPPs differ from their
          part of their investments in innovation towards new mean-  traditional task-oriented, transactional “contract-out” coun-
          ingful solutions that can drive business development.   terparts in which private companies are seen as vendors used
                                                             to save costs rather than as partners in helping to maximise
                                                             outcomes. The new PPPs are collaborative, value-sharing
          PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR                             ecosystems of governments, large companies, start-ups,
          SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL ISSUES THAT                    NGOs, and international and academic institutions. They
                                                             mobilise multiple stakeholders around a common goal

         8      The European Business Review    January - February  2018
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