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Jeff Garrison with Jason Aldean                      Chris Stapleton and Tim Richards

                        JEFF GARRISON                                        TIM RICHARDS
                      KCYY/San Antonio                                    KMLE-FM/Phoenix
                        Format Leader
                        Cox Media Group
                        Years in Radio: 34                                   Year in Radio: 25

            Cox Media Group Market Manager Ben Reed tells Radio Ink Jeff   Tim Richards says his biggest station accomplishment over the past year is
            Garrison’s storied career speaks for itself. “Aside from all of the accom-  KMLE’s continued community service. “This year we raised over $319,000
            plishments in developing relatable and successful radio products, Jeff is   for St. Jude, breaking last year’s record,” he says. “Beyond our community
            also a mentor and valued associate to many in the country music family.   service, I’m proud of our staple events like Country Thunder, 8 Man Jam,
           Jeff is creative, and when you hear what comes out of the speakers of a   and Not So Silent Night. We’ve had the chance to create amazing experi-
           Jeff Garrison station, you know there is a real talent behind the scenes   ences for our listeners and clients and deepen our relationship with the
            making that happen.”                                 artists, labels, and managers that make this format so special.”
              Garrison’s philosophy on managing his team: “Individual station     About being successful over the years, he says, “Any success I have
            teams are smaller today than some years ago; staffs now often voice-  can be attributed to the teams that I have had the honor of working with
            track multiple stations even within a market. So with smaller teams, we   through the years. I’ve always tried to hire amazing people, and I am for-
            have adopted more one-on-one work to help the culture of the station’s   tunate to have worked with some truly remarkable talent.”
            team. Culture is key to any winning team. Each person being their best     His philosophy on managing people: “Set clear expectations, and make
            self (myself included) is the most important contribution to creating that   sure everyone on the team understands what they are and why. Then
            culture.”                                            coach often, with feedback and examples of how the team is adhering to
                                                                 those expectations. Accountability is key.”

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