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                                                         Years in Radio: 20

                                            Steve Geofferies took KNIX in a different
                                            direction in 2017, rejuvenating the 50-year-old
                                            brand. “We found our strategy and stuck to
                                            it,” he says. “Too many stations flip-flop with
                                            the idea that a tactic is more important than
      Steve Stewart (c) with Brett Eldredge and Brett’s dog Edgar  a strategy, and they dilute their brand. Or   Charlie Cook and Kelsea Ballerini
                                            they only copy what their competitor is doing.
                                            Those things lead to short-term success, and
                      STEVE STEWART         usually major changes within the program-        CHARLIE COOK
                    WEBG/Chicago          ming department.”                              WSM-FM/Nashville
                                                                                             Cumulus Media
                                              Geofferies says he’s been successful at pro-
                      com                   gramming because he listens more than he         charlie.cook@cumulus.
                                            talks. “I understand the value of having tal-
                      Years in Radio: 30    ented people on my team. I don’t believe I’m     Years in Radio: 47
                                            always right, but I’ve been good at making the
         Thanks to Steve Stewart and his team, Big   correct choices. I still love to learn with books   Charlie Cook tells Radio Ink he has reached,
         95-5 has seen an explosive reaction in   and podcasts, and I always surround myself   and exceeded, any personal goals he set
         Chicago to all its local events, concerts, and   with a variety of backgrounds, experiences,   for himself when he got into radio. “I have
         activations. Stewart tells Radio Ink it’s truly   and lifestyles.”     overachieved because I rode the right horses
         exciting to see listeners come out in support     And this PD writes down his goals at the   along the way,” he says. “Bob Koch, an early
         of the station and great country music from   station every year to hold himself account-  GM/owner that I worked for, had a saying:
         both new and superstar artists. Big 95-5 aver-  able. “This year, my top goal is to bring more   ‘Nothing’s easy.’ I’ve said that a million times,
         ages close to 30 events per year, with several   value in my EVPP position for my markets and   and it levels your expectations and rights
         tentpole concerts leading the way.  stations.”                         your efforts. Ed Salamon, Neil Rockoff, Mike
           Stewart says he owes his three decades     If you want to win in 2018, Geofferies says   McVay, Dale Miller, and now Allison Warren all
         of success to the people he’s worked with.   you’ll need to understand there are a lot of   encourage me and have helped me along the
        “Somehow I have been very fortunate in   music choices, and unless you have a unique   way. I’m well aware of how fortunate I am to
         my career to work with amazingly talented   position, you’ll blend in with everything else.   have stayed in this business for so long.”
         people,” he says. “I really try to let them know   “Develop talent that are culturally significant,     Cook has an interesting perspective on
         how much I truly believe in them and want   take some chances, make some noise. Stop   the challenges facing Country radio: “Our
         them to succeed. Whatever it is I need to do to   worrying about everything your competition   partners at the record companies are trying
         help them will ultimately help me in the long   is doing and build your brand. Hire great   hard to stake new ground for their successes.
         run as well, but more important, lead to the   people and appreciate them. Understand   That means taking songs up the chart in about
         success of the station.”           social, how teenagers consume content,   half the time needed to make an impact on
           Stewart’s advice to young PDs: understand   what Nashville partners need, music cycles,   the radio listeners. Songs are being driven to
         the changes taking place around you. “The   research — and always stay curious. Seems   number one when they don’t have the founda-
         landscape is changing rapidly,” he says,   pretty easy.”               tion they need to satisfy the radio listeners’
        “and we need to be in touch with where the                              acceptance of the music.
         consumer/listener is, always. We have new                                “I would love to see programmers take
         gateways to our products that we have never                            control of their stations’ playlists and not
         had before — Echo, Google Home, smart                                  continue to concede them to 20-week records.
         TVs, podcasting, etc. Strategies that include                          There is a ‘life of song’ formula, and I don’t
         everything from street team activations, sta-                          believe that it’s playing a song 90 times a
         tion branding, imaging, and jock talk to social                        week for 15 weeks to get to 1,300-plus spins
         media engagement must keep the ‘new world’                             and then moving on.”
         of listening in mind while also balancing the                            What would Cook change about the radio
         need to get ratings terrestrially. Specifically to                      industry? “The one thing I would change about
         the Country format, our listeners are so pas-                          the radio industry comes from the outside,” he
         sionate about the product that once you get                            says. “I understand that digital is sexy today; I
         them through any number of channels, the                               get that the streaming services are sexy today.
         product has to be perfect — the right music,                           But I wish that everyone would realize that
         jocks, and promotions.”                                                radio is the one service that consistently deliv-
                                                                                ers millions of listeners each week.”
                                           Steve Geofferies smiles with his mom and dad.

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