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Kelsea Ballerini with Grover Collins
            Jason Aldean and Mike Moore
                                                                              GROVER COLLINS
                        MIKE MOORE                                         WUBE/Cincinnati
                      KWJJ/Portland, OR                                    Years in Radio: 33
                        Entercom Country
                        Format Captain
                                It’s been another great year for WUBE. Aside from consistent ratings,
                        Years in Radio: 30                       the station won the ACM for Large Market Station of the Year, and after-
                                                                 noon team Amanda Valentine & Jesse Tack took honors as CMA Large
            It was a good year for KWJJ, and a thrill for Mike Moore to see the sta-  Market Personality of the Year. We asked Grover Collins for his secret to
            tion’s morning show, Mike & Amy, win the award for CMA Major Market   success.
            Personality of the Year. Moore tells Radio Ink, “We have been through a     He says, “I’ve had great support from the beginning of my love of
            lot together, and I was so happy to see them recognized. Over my 14-plus   radio, from my parents to mentors along the way, like Randy Davis, who
            years in Portland, they have done so much for the station, our commu-  gave me my first job in radio at age 15 at WLAQ/Rome, Georgia, to Justin
            nity, and our advertisers.”                          Case, who was very influential and really trusted me, again, at a very
              Moore says his two decades of Country programming success are a   young age, to my current OM, Patti Marshall, who was my biggest cheer-
            result of strong networking and a healthy appetite for learning. “Back   leader in helping me take over the B-105 programming reins in 2009
            when you used to pay for long-distance phone calls, I had huge phone   after I had been her APD over at our Pop station [WKRQ] for eight years.”
            bills because I spent a lot of time keeping in touch with radio folks from     Collins’ philosophy on managing is to have a level of trust with the
            across the country,” he says. “I’ve been fortunate to have some wonder-  talent. “I not only want but need them to believe that I would never lead
            ful mentors over the years, so I try to make myself available to young   them in the wrong direction if an idea is proposed to them that might be
            people in our business as often as possible.”        out of their ‘comfort zone.’ Even if that one idea might not be as success-
              He’s also big on one-on-one meetings. “We rarely have full staff meet-  ful as you might have hoped, you still move the needle and usually get
            ings, but I meet with each full-time staff member at least weekly,” Moore   your talent to a place where they are more confident in the future. I also
            says. “We set goals, discuss programs, go over station business, and   like them to be loose — I have always felt you get the most out of talent
            whenever possible try to do things outside the radio station (go to a show,   on the air when they know you have their backs but are also not wound
            grab a beer, have lunch, etc.). I think it’s important to get to know your   tight as a snare drum.”
            staff personally, so you can tap into what motivates them, what’s impor-
            tant to them, and what you can do to help.”

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