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                                                              That’s also how physicists
       Dark matter may                                      think of dark matter, the stuff that  Are you making
                                                            keeps galaxies from flying apart.  cryptocurrency
       be dead neutrons                                     Dark matter may not interact with  for crooks?
                                                            normal matter, except through
                                                            gravity. Fornal and Grinstein
                                                            analysed ways in which a neutron  ADBLOCKERS are trying to prevent
       Anil Ananthaswamy         to estimate the length of the  might decay into a“dark”particle,  people from accidentally helping
                                 particle’s life. This method makes  which would happen about once  hackers mine cryptocurrencies.
       THE humble neutron could  no assumptions about how a  in every 100 neutron decays.  Malicious code running in the
       be hiding a deep, dark secret.  neutron decays, and it comes up  They showed that if such a  background of thousands of web
       A puzzling discrepancy in the  with a lifetime of 879.6 seconds.  particle were to be a candidate  pages can hijack a visitor’s computing
       lifetime of the particle may be  The discrepancy in the values  for dark matter, its mass would  power to generate cryptocurrency –
       solved if neutrons sometimes  generated by the beam and bottle  need to be just slightly less than  digital currency of which bitcoin is
       decay into dark matter, the stuff  experiments has frustrated  that of the neutron (  an example. Called cryptojacking,
       purported to make up most of  particle physicists for 20 years.  abs/1801.01124). In some  there is no sure way to avoid it, but
       the missing mass of the universe.  So, Bartosz Fornal and Benjamin  scenarios, the difference in  blacklists kept by adblockers can
        “What we thought were our  Grinstein at the University of  mass would show up as a photon  shield you from the worst culprits.
       most likely ideas for what dark  California, San Diego, wondered  with an energy between 0.8 and  Around 95 per cent of cryptojacking
       matter might be, none of those  if neutrons might decay in other  1.7megaelectronvolts – something   code is a modified form of something
       have worked,”says Dan Hooper                         we could potentially detect.  produced by German firm Coinhive.
       at Fermilab near Batavia, Illinois,  “Our most likely ideas   Hooper is intrigued. “If I were   The firm’s business model is that,
       who wasn’t involved in the  for what dark matter     convinced that there was really    instead of being bombarded by
       research, but thinks the neutron  might be, none of    a neutron decay anomaly and it   adverts, website visitors can mine a
       idea is worth considering.  those have worked”       required some decay to an exotic   small amount of the cryptocurrency
        Two distinct experiments                            state, the $64,000 question that    Monero. The websites get an income,
       produce different answers for the  ways. This could explain the  it makes you want to ask is: why    of which Coinhive gets a 30 per cent
       lifespanofaneutron.Inthe“beam  longer lifetime via the beam  is this state almost exactly the   cut, and visitors can browse ad-free.
       experiment”, the neutron morphs  method, which only accounts  same mass as the neutron?”  Coinhive asks users before nabbing
       into a proton in 888 seconds,  for beta decay.“The more  The answer may lie in theories   their processing power. However,
       via a process called beta decay.  ways the particle can decay,  called asymmetric dark matter   hackers are secretly placing a variant of
        Then there is the“bottle  the shorter it lives,”says Fornal.  models, in which neutrons    the code that doesn’t onto thousands
       experiment”: a container of  If they are right, a new process  and dark matter particles have   of websites. This means anyone who
       ultracold neutrons is monitored  of neutrondecaywouldproduce  comparable mass because they   visits those sites ends up unwittingly
       for varying lengths of time, and  somemysteryparticle.“Ithasto  were produced by similar   generating cryptocurrency for the
       those left after each stage are used  be something that doesn’t  processes in the early universe.   hacker who sneaked in the code.
                                 interact strongly with our  Such models would get a boost if   Official government pages,
       Now you see it... dark matter is all   matter,”says Fornal. Otherwise,  Fornal and Grinstein’s ideas can   including two Ukrainian ministerial
       around but its nature is a mystery  we would have seen it by now.  be experimentally verified.  ■  sites and the website of the president
                                                                                       of Bangladesh, have been hacked in
                                                                                       this way. In total, the malicious code
                                                                                       has been found running on at least
                                                                                       36,000 websites, and in 291 Android
                                                                                       apps, according to analyses by Robert
                                                                                       Baptiste, a researcher from French
                                                                                       security company fsociety, and Troy
      VOLKER SPRINGEL/MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR ASTROPHYSICS/SPL                        an estimated $150,000 per month.
                                                                                       Mursch, who runs Bad Packets Report,
                                                                                       a computer security website.
                                                                                        In total, cryptojacking rakes in

                                                                                       “Once it’s placed on a website, anyone
                                                                                       on any device with a web browser
                                                                                       that visits that site immediately starts
                                                                                       mining,” says Mursch.
                                                                                        Users can protect themselves with
                                                                                       an adblocker. As well as blocking ads,

                                                                                       known to host cryptojacking code and
                                                                                       can warn users.  Chris Stokel-Walker  ■

       16 | NewScientist | 20 January 2018                                             these programs keep a list of websites
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