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       Everyone hates

       a humblebrag

       Alice Klein               hired a young woman to approach
                                 100 female college students and
       “JUST won GQ style award in  ask them to sign a petition.
       Germany. Obviously they made  During her preamble, she asked
       a mistake. I wonder how long till  them about their summer plans.
       they come take it back.”  In response, she either bragged:
        If this tweet by actor Jared Leto  “That’s cool! I got my dream
       sets your teeth on edge, you’re  internship and got funding to
       not alone. A study has revealed  travel to Paris” or humblebragged:
       that feigning modesty while  “That’s cool! I got my dream
                                 internship and got funding to
      “Feigning modesty while    travel to Paris. Ugh it’s so hard  JAMES GOURLEY/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK
       boasting is a strategic   to decide which one to choose.”
       thing, and people see       When she bragged, 86 per cent
       straight through it”      of the students she spoke to
                                 agreed to sign the petition.
       boasting – a practice known  But only 65 per cent of those  requirement: sincerity.“Even  Jared Leto sent a humblebragging
       as“humblebragging”– annoys  she humblebragged to signed it.  though bragging is frowned upon,  tweet when he won a style award
       people even more than outright  Inotherexperiments,volunteers  at least it comes across as sincere,”
       self-promotion.           were asked to rate examples of  she says.“Humblebragging is a  your likeability by bragging
        Humblebragging comes in  complaints, brags and both types  sneaky, strategic thing, and  or threaten your sincerity with
       two forms, says Ovul Sezer at  of humblebrag for likeability and  people see straight through it.”  a humblebrag?
       the University of North Carolina.  sincerity. None were very popular,  Lisa Williams at the University  One option is to ask a trusted
       It can be expressed as a display  but the two types of humblebrag  of New South Wales in Australia  peer to tell others about your
       of humility –“I’m so shocked my  scored lowest on both measures  agrees.“Likeability, respect and  accomplishments.“Then you get
       new book is a bestseller”– or a  (Journal of Personality and Social  sincerity are like three legs of a  the credit without having to do
       complaint:“I’ve got nothing to  Psychology,  stool – if sincerity is missing,  the bragging,”says Sezer.
       wear after losing so much weight.”  So why do people do it?  your social image, like the stool,  Another approach is to
        Both types are disliked more  Humblebragging is seen as a  falls over,”she says.  announce your achievement, but
       than outright bragging, according  way to broadcast achievements  So what should you do the  ensure you credit the people who
       to a series of experiments run by  without looking too arrogant,  next time you achieve something  helped you.“Then you look warm
       Sezer and her team.       says Sezer. However, it fails to  impressive – keep it to yourself  and communal, which people find
        In one experiment, the team  satisfy another important social  and miss out on respect, damage  attractive,”she says. ■

       Robot factory                                          ARMAR-6 consists of a humanoid  help they might need and step in with
                                                            torso perched atop a four-wheeled  manual assistance at the appropriate
       worker is there                                      chassis. It has two cameras for eyes  time. If a technician asks for a
                                                            that can track several different  spanner, say, the robot should identify
       to help us out                                       objects moving in a busy environment  the tool among others in a toolkit, use
                                                            at once. Its two arms end in dexterous  its natural language skills to ask the
       IF ARMIES of Terminators start                       five-fingered hands for grasping  technician “Do you mean this spanner
       wiping out humanity, their ancestors                 irregularly shaped objects like  or that one?”, and then hand it over.
       might be traced to an upmarket home                  bananas and spray bottles. The torso  Such an ability to understand
       delivery service.         KARLSRUHE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  can telescope between 1.5 metres  its surroundings will be a massive
        Ocado Technology, the innovation                    and 1.8 metres. And when it draws  advance, says Joanna Bryson,
       arm of grocery retailer Ocado, last                  itself to its full height, it can use its  an AI researcher at the University
       week unveiled the first prototype of                 long arms to reach objects 2.2 metres  of Bath, UK.
       its SecondHands project, a humanoid                  from the floor.             It will be between two and five
       robot called ARMAR-6 that will one                     The grocery company wants  years before a SecondHands robot
       day collaborate with maintenance  Not just a pretty face: ARMAR-6 will   ARMAR-6 to learn to understand what   makes its proper debut on the shop
       workers in the firm’s UK warehouses.  lend a hand to maintenance workers  people are working on, anticipate any   floor, say its developers.  Sally Adee  ■

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