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      Unhackable                                                                     Icelanders know their family tree;
                                                                                     Hans Jonatan’s grandson (below)–
                                                                                     his mother. To do so, the team
      comms for all                                                                  took DNA samples from 182 of his
                                                                                     descendants, starting with some
      THERE’S a new way to make sure                                                 of his great-great-grandchildren.
      quantum networks are secure.                                                     deCODE could rebuild parts of
       Theoretically, messages sent via                                              Jonatan’s genome because Iceland
      quantum networks are protected by                                              has kept careful records of family
      the laws of quantum mechanics. This                                            trees since it was first colonised
      is because any attempt to intercept                                            more than 1000 years ago. More
      information sent between two parties                                           recently, deCODE built a database
      will disturb its fragile quantum state,                                        of DNA from 150,000 Icelanders.
      revealing the eavesdropper. One way ARNALDUR HALLDORSSON/BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY     Equally crucially, Jonatan was
      to check a quantum line is secure                                              the first inhabitant of Iceland with
      involves solving an equation called a                                          African heritage.“There was no
      Bell inequality – if the result exceeds                                        African ancestry in Iceland, apart
      a certain number, there is a limit to                                          from Hans Jonatan, prior to
      how much information a spy can                                                 around 1920,”says Stefánsson.
      extract without being detected.                                                  The DNA Jonatan got from his
       But this is only true for messages
      sent between two points. On a more  DNAofmanfrom1827                           mother was distinct from that of
                                                                                     other Icelanders, which was
      complex network, the Bell inequality                                           almost entirely of European
      doesn’t apply. That is roughly because built from living relatives             origin. Its distinctness allowed
      quantum hackers can gain a little bit                                          deCODE to track bits of African
      of information from each part of the   IT’S not bringing back the dead,  a fishing town in east Iceland.  DNA from Jonatan’s genome
      network and then piece it together.   but it’s close. A man’s genome has  “He was the first black man to  through his descendants and
      One solution would be to create   been partially pieced together  set foot on Icelandic soil and was  reassemble as many as possible.
      point-to-point connections between   from fragments of his DNA found  received with open arms,”says  deCODE ultimately rebuilt
      everyone on a quantum network,    in hundreds of his modern-day  Kári Stefánsson of deCODE  38 per cent of the DNA in Regina’s
      but that is hardly practical, says Ciarán   descendants. It is the first time a  Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland.  chromosomes, equivalent to
      Lee at University College London.   dead person’s genome has been  Jonatan became a merchant  19 per cent of Jonatan’s genome
       Lee and his colleague Matty Hoban   reconstructed without DNA  and farmer. He had two surviving  (Nature Genetics,
      at the University of Oxford have found   extracted from their remains.  children with his Icelandic wife,  By comparing Regina’s rebuilt
      a better way. They have shown that   The person is Hans Jonatan,  Katrín Antoníusdóttir.  DNA to African samples, they
      a more complex version of the Bell   an icon in Iceland thanks to the  Jonatan died in 1827.“He was  pinned her origins to Benin, or
      inequality can provide the same   book The Man Who Stole Himself.  buried in an unmarked grave,  maybe Cameroon or Nigeria.
      security assurances for a network   Jonatan was born in 1784 on the  so his remains may exist, but  Either she or her ancestors were
      as the simpler version does for   Caribbean island of St Croix, then  we don’t know where they are,”  probably abducted from there.
      point-to-point contact. There is just   part of the Danish West Indies. His  says Agnar Helgason of deCODE.  “This is an amazing piece of
      one problem: figuring out what this   mother, Emilia Regina, was a black  Now deCODE has rebuilt much  work,” says Robin Allaby at the
      equation looks like is very difficult.  woman kept as a slave. His father  of the DNA Jonataninherited from  University of Warwick, UK. But it
       The pair overcome this by using    is thought to have been a Danish           may not be possible to reconstruct
      a technique from machine learning   secretary, Hans Gram. Jonatan              other people’s DNA in the same
      called causal inference to study the   became a slave on a plantation.         way. “This seems to be the sort of
      structure of the network. Essentially,   The plantation’s Danish owner         analysis you could only do under
      a computer analyses the direction   returned to Denmark in 1789,               particular circumstances.”
      of information flow between the   taking Regina and later Jonatan.               Stefánsson is more optimistic.
      different nodes to figure out its causal   After fighting in the Napoleonic    “It’s all a question of the amount
      structure. For example, if node A is   wars, Jonatan declared himself a        of data you have,” he says. “What
      connected to node C via node B,   free man, as slavery was illegal in          made it easy in Iceland was that
      A and C can’t communicate unless  Denmark. In a court case in 1801,            there were no other Africans.”
      the message goes via B first (Physical  his lawyer argued he could no            In theory, we could get the DNA
      Review Letters,  longer be kept as a slave. But the             of historical figures or ancestors.
       Knowing this structure lets the pair   judge ruled that he should be sent     “Any historic figure born after
      come up with a Bell inequality for any   back to the Danish West Indies,  HELGA TOMASDOTTIR  1500 who has known descendants
      kind of network, which can be used to   where slavery was still legal. So      could be reconstructed,” says
      guarantee its security.  Jacob Aron  ■  Jonatan escaped to Djúpivogur,         Helgason.  Andy Coghlan  ■

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