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       Cosmic inflation                                     predict their current height.  just beating a dead horse.
                                                              Each time these measurements
                                                                                       “It depends how tender you want
                                                            are updated, they conflict. By   your dead horse, but we really
       mystery deepens                                      2016, Cepheid measurements   need to do this due diligence if
                                                            done by Adam Riess at the Space
                                                                                       we are going to say that resolving
                                                            Telescope Science Institute in   this tension requires new
                                                            Baltimore, Maryland, and his   physics,” says Riess. “We need
       Leah Crane                and a supernova in the same  team resulted in a value 9 per cent  a really tender dead horse.”
                                 galaxy. They mathematically  higher than the CMB method.  If the results aren’t down to
       THE heat death of the universe is  remove other sources of motion  Now, Riess and his colleagues   measurement error, it is a big
       coming for us, but we don’t know  to figure out how much is due to  have used the Hubble Space   deal. It could mean that our
       when. The cosmos is expanding,  the expansion of the cosmos.  Telescope to measure the distances  guesses about the natures of
       and the speed of that inflation is  If you think of the universe  to seven Cepheid variable stars   dark matter and dark energy are
       measured by a value called the  as a person, the Cepheid method  with greater precision than before.  wrong, or that there is a particle
       Hubble constant. We have two  is like measuring their height  Even with a better measuring   out there that we have never
       ways to determine this rate,  with a measuring tape, whereas  tape, the problem persists.  detected. “It’s starting to become
       and they return different values,  the CMB method is like taking  This pushes the Hubble   that either there’s new physics or
       leaving cosmologists at an  a picture of the person as a  constant higher by nearly 0.3 per  there’s a conspiracy of errors
       impasse. A new study has  baby and running it through a  cent (   across many different ways of
       deepened the divide, leaving  model of how humans grow to   Refining the value in this way isn’t  measuring that have nothing to
       us in the dark about when the                                                   do with each other,” says Riess.
       universe’s frigid end might be.                                                  The uncertainties in Cepheid
        One way we search for the                                                      variable measurements will take
       Hubble constant is to start at                                                  another beating in upcoming
       the beginning. We can look at the                                               months and years as the Gaia
       cosmic microwave background                                                     space observatory measures
       (CMB) – a relic of the first light to                                           the distances to many stars,
       cross the cosmos after the big                                                  including Cepheid variables,
       bang – and see how fast the                                                     in and around our galaxy.
       universe was expanding then.                                                     “This paper has seven more
       Models of how the cosmos has                                                    measurements – Gaia is going to
       evolved can predict how it                                                      release one billion,” says Barry
       should be expanding today.                                                      Madore at the Carnegie Institution
        The other method is more                                                       for Science in Washington DC.
       direct. We track a spot in our   HUBBLE LEGACY ARCHIVE, ESA, NASA; PROCESSING - JEFF SIGNORELLI  The Gaia data may resolve the
       galaxy’s neighbourhood to see                                                   tension or worsen it. But in terms
       how quickly it is moving away                                                   of measuring the universe’s
       from us. To do this, astronomers                                                growth like a person’s, it won’t
       monitor two things: a type of star                                              just improve the measuring
       called a Cepheid variable, which                                                tape, it will also give us a billion
       cyclically dims and brightens,                                                  different heights to compare.  ■

       Alien mountains           Astronomical Society on 11 January.  No current instrument has enough   To best separate signal from noise,
                                   The rocky planets in our solar   resolution to extract that kind of   exoplanet and star should be similar
       can appear in             system are not perfectly round: there   detail. Upcoming large telescopes, like   in size. Flares, star spots or exomoons
                                 are mountains, canyons and craters.   the European Extremely Large   could throw in random glitches that
       planet shadows            McTier used US Geological Survey   Telescope, will be just barely up to the   mimic a small mountain or crater.
                                 maps of these planets and the moon   task of judging whether some of the   Or a seismological event – an alien
       THERE are stunning mountain ranges  to determine what their light curve   bumps in the data are simply natural   earthquake – might alter the planet’s
       on Earth, Mars and even Pluto. But  around the sun would look like.   artefacts of light. On next-generation   shadow as it passes its star.
       what about worlds further afield?  She also factored in Earth with    telescopes, it would take 20 hours of   But if McTier’s plan does work, we
        Moiya McTier at Columbia  and without oceans. When the shape   transit data, gathered as planets pass   would have rough topographic maps
       University in New York says that by  of a shadow was analysed, McTier   their stars, to distinguish features.   of distant worlds, and might learn
       analysing the dip in a star’s light as a  found that landscape features might   more about exo-oceans or even use
       planet passes in front of it, we could  show up as bumps in the data,   “We could have rough maps  surface features to study a planet’s
       discern details about the planet’s  corresponding to sharp rises or drops   of exo-oceans or even use  rotation rate – figuring out how long
       landscape. She presented her  in elevation. The idea is, however, a   tall mountains to estimate  a day is could bolster the case for a
       research at a meeting of the American  few generations from being testable.   the length of an alien day”  planet’s habitability.  John Wenz  ■

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