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                                                           there won’t be a placebo group.  INTERNAL LIGHT
                                                             Although many improvements
                                                           have been made in gene therapies  Optogenetics controls neurons
                                                           in recent years, such trials are    with light, but it has been difficult
                                                           still closely monitored for adverse  to develop the technique for medical
                                                           effects, after a US teenager died    treatments because most of our
                                                           in 1999 when a gene therapy for    neurons are not exposed to light.
                                                           a liver condition provoked a   What if we could create an
                                                           massive immune reaction.   internal light source? Eric Petersen
                                                             Eyes are considered a safer   of Central Michigan University and
                                                           target, though, as they are  his team have been investigating
                                                                                      luciferase, an enzyme that can
                                                          “We hope patients will      prompt a chemical called luciferin
                                                           better be able to see      to emit light.
                                                           people and recognise         The approach involves inserting
                                                           large obstacles”           two genes into brain cells – one that
                                                                                      makes them send signals in the
                                                           relatively isolated from the  presence of light, and another that
                                                           immune system, and any side  makes the enzyme luciferase.
                                                           effects are likely to be limited  When animals are then injected
                                                           to the eye.                with luciferin, the modified neurons
                                                             Retinitis pigmentosa is rare,   glow and then become active – an
                                                           affecting only around 1 in 4000   effect that lasts about an hour.
                                                           people. But GenSight says the   In work presented at the Society
                                                           same approach might also help   for Neuroscience Meeting in
                                                           people with age-related macular   Washington DC in November 2017,
                                                           degeneration, which is the   the team found that this approach
                                                           commonest cause of blindness    can stimulate nerve growth in rats
      useful vision that will allow them  yet totally blind – they should  in rich nations.  with spinal injuries, and help them
      to have autonomy, for example  be able to count the number  Another trial of an optogenetic   to begin walking.
      recognising objects, detecting  of fingers on a hand held  treatment for retinitis pigmentosa  The team is also investigating a
      people and large obstacles,  50 centimetres away. The first  began in 2016. The approach is   similar approach for turning down
      possibly better.”         patient will get an injection into  similar but people will become   overexcitable brain cells in people
       For the first trial, the firm is  one eye within the next two  receptive to blue light, not red,   with epilepsy.
      recruiting people who are not  months, says the company, and  and they will not wear goggles.  ■

      certify the Falcon 9 rocket to carry   Largestever   “You wouldn’t know what you ate  including speakers, cars and objects
      crew until the conditions that led to                three weeks ago. This is the big  as well as a giant toy town complete
      the explosion are fully understood.  listeriaoutbreak  challenge we face in this situation,”  with a railway.
       An investigation following the                      said Christian Lindmeier of the  The toy town showed how the
      incident found that it occurred when   THEREhavebeen748confirmedcases  World Health Organization on  firm thinks its assistant can improve
      liquid oxygen leaked between the   of listeriosis in South Africa in the  12 January.  your life, with examples ranging
      rocket’s helium tanks and their outer   past year, making it the largest ever  Tohelpmonitortheoutbreak,South  from voice-activated vacuuming
      layer, then ignited. SpaceX has since   outbreak. So far, 67 people have died.  Africa has made listeriosis a notifiable  to ordering a pizza. Google says its
      changed its fuel loading process and   Listeriosis infections are caused  disease, meaning every case must be  assistant is now capable of
      redesigned its helium tanks. NASA is   by Listeria monocytogenes bacteria,  reported to its Department of Health.  performing a million actions.
      now testing them for similar leaks.   usually in contaminated food such as       Meanwhile, Amazon’s Alexa was
      Until these tests are done, ASAP   raw meat and poultry, unwashed              demoed in everything from mirrors
      recommended that humans not be    vegetables, and dairy products. It can  Voiceassistants  to microwaves. Luxury homeware
      put aboard a Falcon 9 rocket.   lead to meningitis or blood poisoning          company Kohler announced a suite of
       The report also expressed concerns   in newborn infants, older people, and stealtheshow  Alexa-powered products, including a
      that SpaceX and Boeing, the two   people with compromised immune               smart shower that learns just how hot
      companies developing spacecraft to   systems. Infection during pregnancy  IT LOOKS like you’d better get  you like it and a kitchen sink that can
      ferry astronauts to and from the   can cause miscarriage.  used to talking to computers.  give you exactly the amount of water
      International Space Station, may not   Because symptoms can take  At CES, the world’s biggest  you ask for. But its pièce de résistance
      be able to meet safety requirements   between 6 hours and 10 weeks to  technology show, in Las Vegas last  was a $6000 voice-activated smart
      before their scheduled missions,   appear, it can be difficult to identify  week, Google demonstrated more  toilet. It has feet and buttock
      which start in November.  the contaminated food responsible.  than 350 voice-controlled devices  warmers, as well as mood lighting.

                                                                                         20 January 2018 | NewScientist | 7
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