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NEWS & TECHNOLOGY                                                               Cosy cosmic pair


                                                                                       repeat bursts

                                                                                       TWO of the most extreme and
                                                                                       mysterious objects in the universe
                                                                                       might be getting cosy. And they’re
                                                                                       being flashy about it. The only
                                                                                       repeating fast radio burst we have
                                                                                       seen appears to be coming from a
                                                                                       neutron star beside a huge black hole.
                                                                                        Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are
                                                                                       powerful radio signals that flare from
                                                                                       distant space for milliseconds and
                                                                                       disappear. Their source is unclear, and
                                                                                       we’ve seen fewer than 30, but one is
       Swarm ofdrones                                       Do-it-yourself bombs that were   special: FRB 121102 keeps repeating.
                                                            loaded onto home-made drones
                                                                                        Jason Hessels at the Netherlands
                                                                                       Institute for Radio Astronomy and
       attacks airbase                                      programmes, including missile-  his colleagues have taken detailed
                                                            launched anti-tank swarms,
                                                                                       measurements of the light from
                                                            air-launchedPerdixmicro-drones,  FRB 121102 and found a twist that
                                                            the ship-launched LOCUST project  indicates the source of the bursts is a
       David Hambling            50 kilometres away and the  and the Gremlins programme to  small, fast-rotating object within an
                                 drones were guided by GPS. This  take out air defences.  extreme magnetic field – like the ones
       ON THE night of 5 January and  would require the coordinates of  However, the largest military  around supermassive black holes.
       into the early hours of the next  the target to be known in advance.  swarm to date has been a group of  Some of the bursts were extremely
       day, Russian forces in Syria  The source of the attack isn’t  119 drones flown in a test by the  short, lasting only a few tens of
       came under attack by a“massive  known. Because the drones are  China Electronics Technology  microseconds (Nature,
       application of unmanned aerial  home-made, they can’t readily  Group Corporation in June 2017.  The only thing in our universe we
       vehicles”, says the Russian  be traced. Islamic State, which has  The idea behind such projects  know of that rotates fast enough to
       Ministry of Defence. It is the first  no bases in the area, has used such  is that large numbers of small,  beam light towards us and then away
       announced use of a swarm of  drone-carried bombs, and other  cheap drones could overwhelm  again so quickly is a neutron star.
       drones in a military action,  insurgent groups in Syria and Iraq  defences that depend on single  The team also found that the radio
       but is unlikely to be the last.  have used similar drones. Israeli  large jets or a small group of  waves were undergoing a process
        According to reports, 13 small  military intelligence website  missiles. Incidents in Iraq and  called Faraday rotation, where a
       drones descended on Russian quotes a Syrian source  Syria have shown that small  strong magnetic field causes the
       forces, but none did significant  as blaming Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,  drones are difficult to shoot  direction of the waves’ polarisation to
       damage. Seven were destroyed                         down with machine guns.    twist as they move through the field.
       by anti-aircraft defences, and  “This is the first known   Most missiles can’t lock on to  Magnetic fields that cause this
       electronic countermeasures  instance of a significant   drones because of their weak  degree of Faraday rotation are rare.
       such as hijacking or jamming  swarm used in a        radar and heat signature. There is  Hessels and his colleagues think FRB
       the drone’s controls were used  military conflict”   no single effective way to combat  121102 may be next to a huge black
       to land the others intact.                           swarms, but there are many  hole, the source of the strongest
        The captured aircraft seem  a group linked to Al-Qaida, and  projects developing jammers and  magnetic fields in the universe.
       crudely made, with a wooden  a Twitter image from 1 January  other devices to detect, track and   Strong magnetic fields can also
       undercarriage and plastic  shows al-Sham fighters with a  bring them down.      cause plasma lensing, in which highly
       sheeting, and are powered by  similar drone.           Flying large numbers of drones   magnetised material acts as a sort of
       a small liquid-fuel engine.  DIY drones have been used in  requires sophisticated software to   magnifying glass for nearby light. This
       Under their wings, they carried  concert before in conflicts, but  avoid collisions. Such programs   process could allow us to see bursts
       locally made bombs fitted with  only in groups of three to five.  will probably be available   that would otherwise be too dim. The
       3D-printed plastic fins.  For example, in Mosul, Iraqi  commercially soon, though,   effect could mean that FRB 121102
        Many drones carry a video  forces reported ISIS quadcopters  because swarms are increasingly   isn’t so special after all. It could be that
       camera and are piloted remotely  dropping grenades. The Syrian  used for light shows. Crowds at the   all fast radio bursts are repeaters,
       from just a few kilometres away.  attack is the first known use of  Consumer Electronics Show in Las   but their light isn’t being boosted by
       But Russia says this attack was  a more substantial swarm.  Vegas were mesmerised by Intel’s   lensing, so we only see the very
       launched from more than     The US has many drone swarm  250-drone show, for example.  ■  brightest flash.  Leah Crane  ■

       12 | NewScientist | 20 January 2018
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