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      and Australia later this year, but  The other two probes were  treatments through clinical trials,  laws are an opportunity to
      some fear the measures won’t go  announced in August before  and argues that the rest should be  victimise patients and be
      far enough.“Until we see details  the new rules were unveiled.  allowed to take drugs that  immune to the consequences,”
      of the new TGA regulations, it’s  But critics say the FDA  have passed initial safety tests.  adds Morrison.
      impossible to decide how effective  underestimates the scale of  It says that more than a million  At present, federal law upheld
      they will be,”says John Rasko of  action needed.“It’s not just a  Americans die each year because  by the FDA trumps state law,
      the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in  couple of bad centres,”says  of FDA red tape that can delay full  but there are currently bills under
      Sydney, and the main author of a  Turner.“They say they’ll pick ones  approval by as much as 15 years.  consideration to introduce right
      global investigation of stem cell  at greatest risk, but it may mean           to try across the US. Given the
      clinics in 2016.          that only the most outrageous  “There’s a long list of   combined impacts of right-to-try
       In the US, experts fear that  businesses get targeted while  stem cell clinics making   laws and a lack of resources,
      the FDA lacks the resources to  the rest carry on as normal.”  claims that are scientifically   there are fears that however
      meet the challenge posed by  A further obstacle is that people  impossible”    well-intentioned, the FDA
      investigating hundreds of clinics.  themselves – encouraged by the             crackdown will falter.
      At a press briefing in November,  right-to-try laws promoted by  “For those who do get access,  “They need more inspectors,
      FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb  libertarian organisations such  it’s often too late,” says its website.  to send out more warning letters,
      implied there are only a few  as the Goldwater Institute in  But supporters of an FDA   and the thing that would make
      unscrupulous actors, and these  Arizona – see the FDA as an  clampdown on dubious stem    most difference would be
      could be targeted as a priority.  enemy of free choice.  cell treatments say that widening  criminal charges, proof of fraud
      So far, the FDA has only openly  The institute says on its  access plays into the hands of   and that people were harmed,”
      investigated three clinics. The  website that less than 3 per cent  clinics offering unregulated   says Turner.“Convicting
      most recent warning notice was  of terminally ill US patients  therapies. “People don’t   someone of fraud would have
      made public earlier this month.  get access to experimental   understand that the right-to-try   the biggest impact.”  ■

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