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       Expect fireworks

       The first launch of Elon Musk’s Mars rocket will be a spectacular start
       to a new era in space flight… if it doesn’t blow up, says Paul Marks

       JUST five months before Apollo                                                  ferries crews to low Earth orbit,
       astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot                                               has 20 engines.
       on the moon in 1969, an unwieldy                                                 But Soyuz is not designed to
       cluster of 30 engines roared into                                               get people beyond such an orbit.
       life beneath a monster rocket on a                                              Enter another monster – the
       launch pad in Kazakhstan. Within                                                27-engine Falcon Heavy, readied
       seconds, the uncrewed maiden                                                    by SpaceX for its maiden launch at
       launch of the Soviet N1 moon                                                    Cape Canaveral, Florida. It would
       rocket was in deep trouble.                                                     put the moon and Mars in range
        Its control system, and the                                                    of private human space flight.
       complex plumbing needed to fuel                                                  Choreographing so many
       so many motors, failed. Engine                                                  engines is just half the challenge:
       after engine shut down, causing                                                 Falcon Heavy comprises three of
       severe vibrations, rupturing fuel                                               SpaceX’s reusable, nine-engine
       lines and starting fires. The N1                                                Falcon 9 rockets strapped
       crashed after 3 minutes in the air.                                             together. Its central, strengthened
       Three more test launches also                                                   Falcon 9, with a payload-carrying
       failed, killing the dream of putting                                            second stage, has two Falcon 9
       a cosmonaut on the moon.                                                        first stages attached as boosters.
        You might think this would also                                                 SpaceX will try to land all three
       have spelled the end for rockets                                                rockets for further use. If it can
       with unfeasible numbers of                                                      achieve this level of reusability and
       engines. Far from it: engines and                                               cost-effectiveness, SpaceX will be
       control engineering have                                                        boldly going where the economics
       improved vastly. Russia’s                                                       of space flight have never gone
       workhorse, Soyuz, which reliably                                                before. Nascent firms planning

       Still sickening                                      expectancy falling for two years  first time in two decades in 2015,
                                                            in a row. Policies and poor living
                                                                                       and again in 2016.
                                                                                        Despite this, the US outspends
                                                            conditions play a part. As does
                                                            the worst drug epidemic in US  on healthcare: $9364 per person
       Shorter lives and poorer health are becoming         history–along-termpublichealth  in 2016, compared with $4094 in
                                                            crisisthatonlygoturgentnational  the UK. US spending on social
       the new norm in the US, warns Laudan Aron            attention last year. Overdoses,  welfare is akin to that of many
                                                            often from opioids, now top road  rich nations. The difference is US
                                                            accidents as the leading cause of  spending is less redistributive.
       IN 2013, a groundbreaking report  that compared with people in  non-disease death for those aged  As the 2013 report argued, a key
       showed that people in the US were  other wealthy democracies, those  25 to 64. The US also continues to  barrier to better health is“limited
       inworse healthanddyingyounger  in the US under the age of 75 –  see higher rates of gun deaths and  political support among both the
       than those in other rich nations.  male or female, rich or poor, of  infant mortality. Such trends led  public and policymakers to enact
       Despite the alarm generated,  all ethnicities – die younger and  life expectancy to drop for the  the policies and commit the
       five years later things look worse.  suffer more injuries and illness.          necessary resources”. On this, too,
        The report, subtitled Shorter  Even a cursory look at what has “The rich US is still unwell,   the US continues to slip. While not
       Lives, Poorer Health, documented  happened since reveals why the  as evidenced by figures   perfect, the Affordable Care Act
       a large and growing US“health  US is still so unwell, as evidenced  showing life expectancy   was, by 2016, providing millions
       disadvantage”. Evidence showed  by recent figures showing life  fell for two years in a row”  of people with health insurance

       24 | NewScientist | 20 January 2018
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