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      asteroid, moon and Mars mining   INSIGHT UK environment plan
      will be especially cheered. But the
      launch will be tense: there is only
      so much that can be simulated.
      “With the simultaneous ignition
      of 27 orbital class engines, there’s
      a lot that can go wrong,” SpaceX
      CEO Elon Musk has warned.
       He is not alone in developing a
      means to take people far beyond
      Earth. NASA is designing its Space
      Launch System; the Boeing and
      Lockheed Martin joint venture,
      United Launch Alliance, has a
      design called Vulcan in the wings;
      and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin has
      New Glenn on the drawing board.  DAN KITWOOD/GETTY
       But Falcon Heavy is first to the
      start line. And, if it works, its
      27 engines will make it, for now,
      the most powerful rocket on                                                    claims the 25-year plan. But again,
      Earth, capable of sending a  Plasticbagbanisno                                 there is no substance.
      16-tonne capsule to Mars. The                                                    So what should be done? For
      mission has attracted attention                                                starters, the UK should stop blocking
      for far more idiosyncratic   planforagreenfuture                               new onshore wind farms – wind is
      reasons: Musk chose his old Tesla                                              the cheapest form of renewable
      Roadster car as Falcon Heavy’s                                                 energy. It also needs to come up
      dummy payload, to go into orbit                                                with a coherent plan for improving
      around the sun as far out as Mars.   Michael Le Page  states that “we want to eliminate all  the woeful energy efficiency of its
      He has deemed the usual choice of                    avoidable plastic waste” by 2042.  housing and replacing fossil gas
      a lump of metal as too boring.  THE UK prime minister, Theresa  But this is just a vague aspiration,  as the main source of energy for
       That’s debatable, but when   May, has unveiled the government’s  not a legal requirement.  heating. Both will take decades.
      those 27 rocket engines finally go   long-awaited 25-year plan for  What about climate change? We are  New homes should have stringent
      for launch, what happens next is   improving the environment. It talks  currently heading for a world about  standards – retrofitting is much harder
      likely to be anything but dull.  Q  about protecting wildlife, making  4°C warmer, which would result in  and more expensive. And England
                                the country cleaner and greener,  huge swathes of the UK disappearing  and Wales should follow Scotland’s
      Paul Marks is a technology, aviation and   and so on. It all sounds wonderful,  under the waves and would utterly  example and ban fracking – it is simply
      space-flight writer based in London  but it is mostly waffle.  transform what countryside remained.  not compatible with meeting
                                  “The government’s 25-year  Here, the Conservative party’s  emissions targets.
                                environment plan is a monumental  record is abysmal. After the party  Then there is air pollution, which
      for the first time. Congress tried to   anti-climax,” declared the Green party.  won an outright majority in 2015,  is so bad in the UK and many other
      repeal it and aims to weaken it,   “Nothing new, nothing of substance,  the government scrapped a long list  countries that it will probably cut
      while also allowing the Children’s   nothing to tackle climate change.”  of policies designed to reduce carbon  years off people’s lives. Reading
      Health Insurance Program, which  Take the plans to reduce plastic  dioxide emissions, such as subsidies  this plan, you wouldn’t have a clue
      provides low-cost cover to  pollution, which dominated headlines               that the UK is not only failing to
      9million children, to go unfunded.  last week. A worthy goal, absolutely.  “Almost all the major   meet EU standards that came into
       As Americans debate policies in   But what will actually be done?  improvements to the UK’s   force in 2010, but it still hasn’t even
      an increasingly polarised country,   A mandatory 5-pence charge for  environmental regulations   come up with a credible plan for
      its health disadvantage continues   plastic bags will be extended to  come from the EU”  meeting them.
      to grow. Until the nation starts to   smaller shops. Plastic bag use has         Indeed, almost all the major
      bridge some of its divides and act   already fallen nearly 90 per cent due  for renewable energy. As such,  improvements to the UK’s
      on the evidence, its people will   to the 5p charge in large shops, so this   the UK is no longer on track to meet    environmental regulations in recent
      continue to pay a steep price.  ■  is not going to make a huge difference.  its own emissions targets.  decades, from clean beaches to plastic
                                  It is worth pointing out, too, that   The claim at the time was that the   bags, come from the EU. “Brexit will
      Laudan Aron was study director of the   this charge was introduced to meet   scrapped policies were inefficient and   not mean a lowering of environmental
      Shorter Lives, Poorer Health report,   European Union rules for reducing   would be replaced with better ones.   standards,” May claimed in her speech.
      released by the Institute of Medicine   plastic bag use, rules opposed by   Nearly three years on, we are still   But like just about everything when
      and US National Research Council, and   May’s Conservative party.  waiting. “We will take all possible   it comes to Brexit, this remains far
      is a senior fellow at the Urban Institute  And that is just about it. The plan   action to mitigate climate change,”   from certain.  Q

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