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WE BELIEVE in the Holy Trinity—one God, Executive Editor: Sam N. Clements FEBRUARY 2018 • Volume 94, Number 7
eternally existing in Three Persons: Father, Publisher: Brian Sutton FEATURES
Son, and Holy Spirit. Editor: DeWayne Hamby
We believe in one God the Father, creator of Assistant Editor: Marsha Robinson 8 A Global Shift
heaven and earth, of all things seen and unseen. Editorial Assistant: Lilly Feliz
Graphic Artist: Jonathan Lovvorn Cathy Payne
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only
Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father. 10 North America
All things were made through Him and for Tim Coalter
Him. He is true God and true man. He was
conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and About the Church of God of Prophecy 12 Caribbean
was born of the virgin, Mary. He suffered, died, The Church of God of Prophecy is a vibrant, Clayton Martin
was buried, and on the third day He rose from
the dead. He ascended to the right hand of worldwide body of believers, united in 14 Central America
the Father, and He will return to judge the living worship, working hand-in-hand to share
and the dead. His kingdom will have no end. God’s love and a message of hope to the Ben Feliz
brokenhearted. The organization has more
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and than a million members and more than 16 Asia, Australia, and Oceania
giver of life, who eternally proceeds from the 10,0000 ministers, worshiping in more than Tim McCaleb
Father. He is Teacher, Comforter, Helper, and
Giver of spiritual gifts. Through Him the saving 10,000 churches or missions in 135 nations 18 South America
and sanctifying works of Jesus Christ are applied of the world.
to the life of believers. He is the empowering Church of God of Prophecy Core Values Gabriel Vidal
presence of God in the life of the Christian 20 Europe, CIS, and Middle East
and the church. The Father has sent His Son Prayer • The Harvest
to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Speaking in Leadership Development • Stewardship Clayton Endecott
tongues and bearing the fruit of the Spirit are OUR VISION
New Testament signs of being filled with the 22 Africa
Holy Spirit. The Church of God of Prophecy will be a
Christ-exalting, holiness, Spirit-filled, all- Stephen Masilela
We believe that salvation is by grace through nations, disciple-making, church-planting
faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on Movement with a passion for Christian
the cross; and that He died in our place. The union. DEPARTMENTS
believer’s sins are forgiven by the shedding
of His blood. We believe that healing of mind, OUR MISSION 24 Harvest Partners
body, soul, and spirit is available to the believer Empowered by the Holy Spirit, through
through the blood of Jesus Christ and the prayer, we will plant churches and equip 25 One Child Fund
power of the Holy Spirit.
leaders to carry out the biblical mandate to
We believe that the grace of God brings make genuine disciples of all the peoples 26 Accredited Ministries
forgiveness and reconciliation to those who of the world, to the glory of Christ our
repent, as well as transformation in holiness, Lord, Head of the church. 28 Children’s Ministries
enabling them to live a Christ-like life.
Sanctification is both a definite work of grace General Presbytery:
and a lifelong process of change in the believer Sam N. Clements: General Overseer UPDATES /
brought by the blood of Jesus, the Word of Tim Coalter: North America
God, and the enabling power of the Holy Clayton Endecott: Europe/CIS/Middle East EDITORIALS
Spirit. Benjamin Feliz: Mexico/Central America,
We believe in one holy, universal church, and Spanish-speaking Caribbean 4 Facing Forward
composed of all true believers in Jesus Christ, Clayton Martin: Caribbean/Atlantic Ocean A Call to Mature Unity
offering fellowship and calling for service to Islands by Ben Feliz
men and women of all races, nations, cultures, Stephen Masilela: Africa
and languages. We believe in the spiritual and Tim McCaleb: Asia/Australia/Oceania 5 Connections
ultimate visible unity of the church. Gabriel E. Vidal: South America Books/Church
We believe that the Bible—both Old and New
Testaments—is the inspired Word of God. The WRITERS If you are interested in contributing 7 SEVEN: For Younger Readers
Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His articles or news to the magazine, email
will to humankind, sufficient for instruction in or visit 31 Messages
salvation and daily Christian living. The Bible is for guidelines. Beyond The Open Door
the Christian’s rule of faith and practice.
We believe that God will ultimately reconcile ADDRESS CHANGES. . .
all things in heaven and earth in Christ. Therefore, • (423) 559-5540 • PO Box
we look forward to new heavens and a new 2910, Cleveland, TN 37320-2910 Visit us online—
earth in which righteousness dwells. WHITE WING MESSENGER ONLINE Visit MEMBER The White Wing Messenger or is a member of the Evangelical Press Association
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