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            BOOKS                              CHURCH

                                                                              leaders across North America. Text giving was
                                                                              the topic that drew the most questions from
                                                                              the audience. It’s the giving trend churches
                                                                              are  inquiring  about  most.  As  we  get  more
                                                                              comfortable paying with our phones through
                                                                              Apple  Pay,  Paypal,  and  other  techniques,
                                                                              text giving will only increase in its use in the
                                             Eight Ways Churches Can          church.
                                             Leverage the Ubiquity of         EMAIL NEWSLETTERS
                                                                                While email is readily available on a computer,
                                             Smartphones                      the fact that we’re virtually always connected
                                               In 2011, smartphones were almost a novelty.   to email via our smartphones means news-
                                             Just 35 percent of American adults had one.   letters are more likely to be seen. The more
                                             That number has more than doubled in the   they are seen and read, the better informed
                                             past six years. More than 9 in 10 adults under   your congregation will be.
                                             30  have  a  smartphone  (via  Pew  Research).   ONLINE OR IN-APP SERMON NOTES
                                             When someone is considering a new phone,   The proliferation of Bible apps has led to a
                                             the question is no longer, “Will I get a smart-  new type of engagement of the Word during a
                                             phone?” but, “Which smartphone will I get?”  service. My pastor even states, “Open or turn
                                               Now that this device has become almost   on your Bibles” each week when preparing
                                             attached to us 24/7 (I’ll be the first to admit,   to read from Scripture. My church also posts
                                             I’m  tethered  to  mine),  how  is  the  church   sermon  notes  online  and  in  an  app,  as  do
                                             adapting?  Or  better  yet,  how  should  the   many others. While I personally prefer paper
                                             church adapt and engage the smartphone?   note-taking,  my  13-year  old  son  types  his
          ‘Miracle Invasion’                 Here are eight ways.             notes into his Bible app. He stays engaged in
          Book to Explore Modern             LIVE STREAMING                   the sermon because of his smartphone.
                                               When  the  TV  became  prevalent  in  the
                                                                              CHURCH MANAGEMENT
          Gifts of the Spirit                1950s, churches began television ministries.   App or cloud-based church management
          COGOP Authors McKinley and         Many of those still exist but for most churches   software allows church staff to have information
                                             they  are  cost  prohibitive  and  provide  little
          Lowry Among Contributors           return on the investment required. However, live   about church events, members, or details at
                                                                              their  fingertips  regardless  of  their  location.
                                             streaming for smartphones can be implemented   As  more  and  more  staff  members  office  in
            Miracle Invasion by Dean Merrill will release   at a fraction of the cost and often has a greater
          during this month’s meeting of the Pentecostal   reach than television ministries.  community spaces (coffee shops, restaurants,
                                                                              etc.),  this  helps  them  stay  connected  to
          Charismatic Churches of North America. In a                         needed  tools  via  their  smartphones  while
          collaborative effort with many denominations   SOCIAL MEDIA         working off-site.
          and organizations, including COGOP, Church   This  is  an  obvious  inclusion.  The  rise  of
          of  God,  Assembly  of  God,  and  more,  the   social media coincided with the rise of the   EVENT SCHEDULING AND REMINDERS
          book explores the gifts of the Spirit as they   smartphone.  They  go  together  like  peanut   Digital  calendars  have  all  but  replaced
          operate in North America today.    butter and jelly or spaghetti and maple syrup.   paper  day  planners.  Setting  reminders  and
            Dr. E. C. McKinley, overseer of the COGOP   If your church is not active on social media,   adding calendar events via smartphone apps
          churches  in  Tennessee,  and  Dr.  Larry   you’re missing a huge opportunity to engage   allow you to stay more up-to-date on church
          Lowry, pastor of the Douglasville COGOP   your members and guests.  events and happenings.
          in  Georgia,  are  among  the  contributors,   MOBILE FRIENDLY WEBSITE
          offering  testimonies  of  their  experience   There  is  no  excuse  for  a  church  not  to   This  article  was  originally  published  at
          with  the  gifts  during  their  ministries.  Jeff   have a good, well designed website. Not only  on  November  15,  2017.
          Farmer, president of the PCCNA, writes:   should a website contain pertinent information,   Jonathan Howe serves as Director of Strategic
            “Miracle Invasion’s purpose is to demonstrate   it should display well on a phone. This is also   Initiatives at LifeWay Christian Resources as
          the  supernatural,  miraculous  gifts  of  the   something to consider when creating graphics.   well as the host and producer of Rainer on
          Holy Spirit are alive and well . . . they are   Small text gets even smaller on smartphone   Leadership  and  SBC  This  Week.  Jonathan
          for today . . . they are happening here and   screens.              writes weekly at on topics
          now!”                              TEXT GIVING                      ranging  from  social  media  to  websites  and
            Miracle Invasion  is  available  through                          church communications. Connect with Jonathan
          BroadStreet Publishing Group.        We recently held a video call about giving   on Twitter at @Jonathan_Howe.
                                             trends  in  the  church  with  several  hundred

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