Page 4 - Messenher
P. 4
Benjamin Feliz
A CALL TO MATURE UNITY General Presbyter
“I in them and You in Me, that they may Then He prayed for the ones who would Let’s go to the text one more time. “I in
be perfected in unity, so that the world may be added in the future. That is all believers, them, and you in me” The same way, the
know that You sent Me, and loved them, everywhere, and at any point in time through same communion, the same unity that He
even as You have loved Me” (John 17:23). history. This is God’s universal church through enjoyed with the Father is the communion
John 17 contains what is known as the High the ages, which includes you and me in the He is praying for the church to have. But Jesus
Priestly Prayer. This prayer is a collection twenty-first century. Jesus prayed for us. goes further to praying not for a superficial
of last wishes Jesus asked the Father, as And when He prayed for the disciples of the unity; not for an agreement for some time
He approached the end of His life here on future, for the church of the future, the very for some project or for some event. He is
earth. In a way, this is another Gethsemane first thing He prayed for was unity. Isn’t that praying that “that they may be perfected in
experience for Him. This must have been one interesting? Jesus knew that the only force unity.” In the New Testament, as we know,
of the most difficult and emotional prayers that could hinder the church, that could perfection is synonymous with maturity. So,
the Lord ever prayed. stop the church, that could neutralize the when Jesus prays for a perfected unity, He is
In this prayer, Jesus made it clear that He church was not Satan, was not the gates of not praying for superficial, hypocritical unity,
was not praying for the world; He is praying hell, (they will not prevail against the church); one that denies our differences and conflicts.
only for the church. Let’s see what He prayed was not false religion; was not false teachers He is not praying for one that throws difficult
for. First, He prayed for His current disciples, (they come and go); It was not anti-Christian situations under the rug, closes its eyes and
the ones He spent most of the time with, the governments (they come and go). It was hopes for the best.
ones He called and instructed personally. He division. That’s why He prayed for unity. Can This is a mature unity Jesus is talking about
prayed: you imagine how powerful the church could and this is a mature church He calls. Maturity
be if we would just put our differences aside is about knowing how to behave as an adult.
• They would have His joy. It is impossible to and unite in purpose, vision, and mission? It means you don’t overreact. It means you
do the work of ministry without the joy But the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17 is don’t fight for attention. It means you don’t
of the Lord. For the joy of the Lord is our not unity for the sake of unity. It is not about offend or be offended easily. It means you
strength. building consensus. It is not negotiation for have grown up.
• They be protected from the evil one. peace keeping. No! It is not unity around a Jesus knew the challenges His church
The evil one is always looking for an political platform. This is a missional unity; would face in the future, so He knew
opportunity to divide us (in color, unity in this passage is for the world to know superficial unity would not suffice. Perfected
language, culture, country, region of the that Jesus is the Son of God. In other words, unity is what He prayed for.
country, etc.) unity here is the evidence that Jesus Christ is
• They be sanctified in the Truth. God’s Messiah. So, unity is important.
Word is the Truth.
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