Page 14 - Taste_and_Travel_International
P. 14


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                                                                                       cream and sorbet from Favvo, which
                                                                                       means “favourite” in English. Only-in-
                                                                                       Sweden flavour combinations, such
                                                                                       as rhubarb-blueberry, are out of this
                                                                                       world. www.malmö
                                                                                        Yt­Ã¡ tªYá‹
                                                                                       Malmö’s transformation from factory
                                                                                       town to one of the world's most
                                                        '22 5,    , '3+                ethnically diverse cities can be witnessed
                                                       Bike paths wind through the Malmö’s   firsthand at Möllevångstorget market
                 BRUCE TUTEN
                                                       tranquil neighbourhoods past a   square, whose vendors proffer a variety
                                                       fascinating array of modern architectural   of Swedish and international ingredients
                                                       marvels. As you’ll want to dedicate   as well as fresh produce. A few blocks
                                                       a day to exploring the city by bike,
          PLACE: MALMÖ                                                                 away, at the foot of Sodergatan Street
                                                       look to Malmö Saluhall as the perfect   (the city’s main shopping thoroughfare),
          DATE: July 2017                              place to stop for a quick bite or   new arrivals to Sweden (including
                                                       purchase picnic companions for the   Syrian refugees) are doing their bit to
          WEATHER: 16ºC, brisk, and alive with
                                                       road. Highlights include pizzas-of-  expand the palates of the population.
          Nordic greenery                              the-day and fresh bread at the warm   ĂāąƫĂąƫ  ()® ; Ăāāƫăąƫ  ()®
          TRAVELLER: Elyse Glickman                    and aromatic Hedvigsdal, substantial
                                                       sandwiches at the aptly named Falafel
          COUNTRY: SWEDEN                              & Burgers, and sublime and silky ice   6ĽƧƎzƧã×ãƎ9ƑƎ9ƃò
                                                                                       As Swedes are known for their sense
                                                                                       of humour, should it be surprising that
                                                                                       two of the most popular high-end
                                                                                       bistros among the young and trendy are
               .BM .Ú
                                                                                       SMAK and Bastard? Both blend local
                                                                                       ingredients with international seasonings
                                                                                       and techniques as well as offer show-
                                                                                       stopping cocktails. Should you find
            SWEDEN’S THIRD LARGEST CITY                                                yourself homesick for the all-American
            boasts an ethnically diverse food scene                                    burger, cruise down to Surf Shack for
                                                                                       perfectly cooked sandwiches (made from
            as well as a lively entrepreneurial spirit
                                                                                       superior beef or veggie patties) and an
            blending a rock-and-roll sensibility                                       amusing riff the California-style fast food
            with a respect for homespun traditions                           
            and ingredients.                                  %%.! %6 "33    

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