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With an updated colour
scheme of chocolate and
light teal creating a
contemporary new look,
the Pottery Restaurant at
Blue Mountain Resort
near Collingwood,
Ontario, makes a
welcoming break from
the snowy activities on
offer at Blue Mountain
Village, whether it’s skiing, snowboarding, tubing, skating or snowshoeing that takes
your fancy. For a quick energy fix after all that fresh air try the Pottery’s decadent baked
cheesecake. A favourite on the region’s year-round Apple Pie Trail, this crunchy creamy
phyllo-wrapped cheesecake comes plated with roasted spiced apples, house-made
granola and Jack Daniel’s caramel sauce. Could there be a better way to warm up your
winter? 333ċ (1!)+1*0 %*ċ
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Hot on the heels of the 10th anniversary of
its Alt brand of affordable luxury in 2017,
.%0%/$ƫ +),ƫ * ƫ #! *0.5ƫ3%0$ƫ 141.5ƫ +( ƫ
Group Germain Hotels is opening new
Between celebrating Royal Baby Fever, the recent 70th wedding anniversary of hotels in St John’s, Saskatoon, Calgary and
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip, the release of the newest season of Netflix’s $!ƫ Brossard. Popular among both business and
.+3*, and a royal wedding coming up, this could not be a more thrilling time to leisure travellers, unique features of the Alt
visit the United Kingdom. Luxury Gold’s .%0%/$ƫ +5 (!ƫ9-day escorted journey takes hotel brand include fixed-price affordable
travellers across Britain to enjoy a selection of exclusive experiences, including private room rates, no set check-out times for
clients who reserve by phone or online,
visits to royal gardens, Edinburgh Castle and the Tower of London for the Ceremony
environmentally sustainable practices (such
of the Keys, an anc ient gate-closing ritual that has been carried out every night by
as geothermal energy and electric vehicle
the Beefeaters for the last 700 years. Guests will witness the Changing of the Guard
charging stations), light-filled interiors,
at Buckingham Palace before heading to Windsor Castle to meet a Military Knight
contemporary art and free Wifi. Their 24-
who will describe how Knights are appointed, and what duties they perform. Guests
hour cafes feature a selection of fresh fruit
can enjoy special access to the magnificent Edinburgh Castle, the Crown Jewels and
and vegetables as well as nutritious, pre-
Stone of Destiny. They will venture to the majestic Alnwick Castle for an afternoon prepared cuisine making it easy to stay fit
spent with the elegant Duchess of Northumberland and will explore one of Britain’s and healthy during a stay. Guests can also
most iconic castles, home to the Percy family for 700 years and filming location for enjoy local craft beer, cocktails and Happy
+3*0+*ƫ !5 andƫ ..5ƫ +00!.. 3Ũ '# (Ũ , "ŨŨ Hour in select onsite lobby bars. Ũ
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