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                                                                                    SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT
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                                                                                    CREATIVE DIRECTOR  " ,&).. Ũ  "(
                                                                                    SENIOR EDITORS
                                                                                     (#. Ũ . 1 ,.VŨ (( Ũ  - ,#- 3
                                                                                    CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
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       MY FRIEND ANNE DesBrisay, author, restaurant critic, culinary judge and keeper of the
                                                                                    TRAVEL EDITORS  /-# Ũ &&#-)(VŨŨ
       website 111Ą  *#. & #(#(!Ą  ƫ/%#*! ƫ+ûƫĂĀāĈƫ3%0$ƫ ƫ(%/0ƫ+"ƫ$!.ƫ" 2+1.%0!ƫ %/$!/ƫ+"ƫ
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       the year. Given the quality of restaurant cooking in Ottawa (and indeed across Canada)
                                                                                    EUROPEAN EDITOR  /- (Ũ  && ..
       in the current climate of ingredient-driven, local and sustainable cuisine, delivered by
                                                                                    FOOD EDITOR  " ,#Ũ  " -%
       chefs who combine genuine passion with refined technique, it must have been tough to
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       come up with a short list.
                                                                                     # " &Ũ "# )#(
          That, and other end-of-year round-ups got me thinking about the many fascinating
                                                                                    WEB DIRECTOR  # "  &Ũ 3
       stories and interesting recipes TASTE;TRAVELƫ3.%0!./ƫ/$ .! ƫ3%0$ƫ1/ƫ%*ƫĂĀāĈƫ * ƫ
                                                                                    WEB EDITOR & SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER
       wondering — if I had to pick favourites — which they would be. Our magazine tagline    '#&3Ũ  ((  3
       is !4, * ƫ5+1.ƫ 1(%* .5ƫ$+.%6+*/ and we publish recipes from all corners of the earth.
                                                                                    COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR
       I enjoy the challenge of working with new ingredients and learning about unfamiliar     &#-- Ũ  #( ,
       cuisines but for me the litmus test is always “would I make this again?”
                                                                                    ADVERTISING SALES
           !.!ƫ .!ƫ"+1.ƫ %/$!/ƫĨ+*!ƫ".+)ƫ!  $ƫ+"ƫ+1.ƫ"+1.ƫĂĀāĈƫ%//1!/ĩƫ0$ 0ƫ$ 2!ƫ !!*ƫ    0 ,.#-#(!v. -.  ( ., 0 &U
       transcribed into my personal recipe book (a sauce-spattered notebook that may be old   PRINTER  " Ũ )1 j  ,.#(Ũ ,)/*VŨ
       fashioned but can travel with me where the internet cannot).                  .. 1
          Chicken Adobo from   5ƫ ! "čƫ0$!ƫ  1.!(ƫ+"ƫ0$!ƫ * %!*0/ƫ 5ƫ 1/ *ƫ  ((!00ƫĨ%//1!ƫĂąĩċƫ  CONTACT US
       This classic dish from The Philippines is deceptively simple to make and surprisingly   #( )v  -.  (  , 0 &  ! 4#( U )'
       delicious. Butternut Squash Soup with Yogurt and Sage from  +1*0%"1(čƫ $!ƫ !(! 0  (!ƫ  EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES   #.),# &vŨ
        ! 105ƫ+"ƫ  Ě/ƫ ' * # *ƫ  ((!5ƫ 5ƫ + **!ƫ  /2 .%ƫĨ%//1!ƫĂĆĩċƫ $!ƫ   %0%+*ƫ+"ƫ ƫ"!3ƫ    -.  (  , 0 &  ! 4#( U )'
       sage leaves, used two ways, is a clever trick that gives this silky, comforting soup   SUBSCRIPTIONS & CIRCULATION Ũ
       a beguiling top-note. La Cazuela Esencia del Pacifico (Pacific Seafood Stew) from   -/ - ,#*.#)(-v
        +#+0 čƫ +1*0 %*ƫ .+3*ƫ 5ƫ (5/!ƫ (% ') *ƫĨ%//1!ƫĂĈĩƫ%/ƫ ƫ0+!/ġ%*ġ0$!ġ/ * ƫ,(! /1.!ƫ    -.  (  , 0 &  ! 4#( U )'
       that can be created from supermarket ingredients even when there’s no beach in sight.   Printed in Canada. Canada Post Publications Mail
                                                                                     #.!!)!*0ƫ 1) !.ƫąĂāćĈĀāĆƫįƫĂĀāĉƫ  /0!Ē . 2!(ƫ
        1))1/ƫ".+)ƫ+1.ƫ !#!0 .% *ƫ +5 #!.ƫ +(1)*ƫ%*ƫ%//1!ƫĂćċƫ !/Čƫ%0Ě/ƫ&1/0ƫ$1))1/ƫ 10ƫ%0Ě/ƫ
                                                                                    International is published quarterly by Taste and
                              the only hummus recipe you’ll ever need.              Travel Publishing International Inc. All rights reserved.
                                                                                    Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those
                                If you missed any of these recipes, don’t worry. You
                                                                                    of the publishers. No part of this publication may be
                              can find them on our website 111Ą. -.  ( ., 0 &Ą  .    used without written permission from the publisher.
                                                                                     1 / .%,0%+*ƫ. 0!ƫ%/ƫĸĂĆċĀĀƫ **1 ((5ċ
                               1/0ƫ.!)!) !.ƫ0+ƫ +,5ƫ0$!)ƫ%*0+ƫ5+1.ƫ*+0! ++'ƫ%"ƫ5+1Ě.!ƫ
                              going off the grid.
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      4   TASTE;5TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL5        Ģ     ƫĂĀāĉ
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