Page 8 - Taste_and_Travel_International
P. 8

CHEF Briana Kim
     EVENT                                       CHEF James McFarland

             CHEF David Vinoya


                                                                                   The 2018 Canadian Culinary
                                                                                   Championships competitors include:

       CHEF Lorenzo LosetoŨ
                                                                                   B RITISH C OLUMBIA
                                                                                   Alex Chen —  ) /& 0  , Ũ #. " (Ũ
                                                                                   [Ũ) 3-. ,Ũ  ,  VŨ  ( )/0 ,

                                                                                   E DMONTON
       CHEF Shane Chartrand                                                        Shane Chartrand lŨ-

                                                                                   C ALGARY
                                                                                   Blake Flann lŨ &     Ũ ,)'Ũ   ('),

                                                                                   R EGINA
                                       AS THE CANADIAN OLYMPIC  athletes
                                                                                   David VinoyaŨlŨ #& Ũ- ! Ũ #. " (ŨŨ
                                       are in final preparations to take on the
                                                                                   [Ũ  ,
                                       world at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic
                                       Winter Games so are the eleven chefs        S ASKATOON
                                       who won gold in the Gold Medal Plates       James McFarland lŨ/ (#0 ,-#.3ŨŨ
                                       regional qualifier competition across        ) Ũ- -% . " 1 (
                                       Canada. These Chefs have returned to
                                       their kitchens and many will spend the      W INNIPEG
                                       next two months training for the 2018       Mike Robins5lŨ-)/-Ũ-)&
                                       Canadian Culinary Championships, a
                                                                                   T ORONTO
                                       two-day event taking place in Kelowna,
                                                                                   Lorenzo LosetoŨlŨ  ),! Ũ,  -. /, (.
                                       BC, February 2–3, 2018.
                                                                                   O T TAWA
                                                                                   Briana KimŨlŨ    üŨ 3Ũ" )/-
         CHEF Yannick Lasalle
                                          CHEF Mike Robins
                                                                                   M ONTREAL
                                                                                   Éric Gonzalez lŨ& c  . &# ,Ũ )Ă&Ũ
                                                                                   , ) / ")(
          CHEF Nick Jewczyk
                                                                                   N OVA S COTIA
                                                                                   Barry MooneyŨlŨ #)

                                                                                   S T. J OHN’ S
                                                                                   Nick JewczykŨlŨ. " Ũ # ."Ũ. # % .U

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