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 Winter                                                                                                        ÿü

            FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO  read, LOVE TOŏeat  AND LOVE TO travel

                     LETTER                           DESTINATIONS                     TASTE;TRAVEL LIBRARY
        þ   Picking Favourites               üú Eating Heritage                    āĂ Book Review
                                                 ANITA STEWART explores the Slow        * %*  by MARTIN MORALES.
                     EVENT                       Food movement in New Brunswick.   Ăü  On The Bookshelf

        Ā   Gold Medal Plates                üĂ  An Artisanal Oasis In                 New additions to the
            CANADA                               The Sonoran Desert                    TASTE;TRAVEL library.
                                                 DIANE PENWILL is eating well in       TASTE;TRAVEL KITCHEN
                  DISPATCHES                     Arizona.
                                             þü  London: A Winter Visit            Ăþ Mint
        Ă   Hot Off The Grill                                                          SUSAN HALLETT profiles a peppy
            What’s new in the world              NATHAN FONG enjoys London in the      kitchen staple.
            of culinary travel.
                                             ÿü  Tastes Of Hoi An                  Ăā  Vegetarian Voyager
                   JOURNAL                       TODD LAWRENCE studies some            Loubia.
                                                 (delicious) Vietnamese history.   ăÿ Cooking With TASTE;TRAVEL
        ûü  TASTE;TRAVEL readers report                                                Recipe index for this issue and
            from around the world.                       QUENCH                        kitchen tips.
            12 Malmö
            13 Taipei                        þĂ Absolute Åhus                         REGIONAL MARKETPLACE
            14  Canmore                          ELYSE GLICKMAN joins an elite band
            15 Georgetown                        for a taste of Sweden’s hottest   ĂĂ  The Culinary Traveller’s
                                                 designer tipple.                      Guides
                     DINING                                                            88  OTTAWA
                                                 LETTERS FROM THE EDGE                 89  TORONTO
        ûĀ  Gastro Bar by Martin                                                       90  MONTREAL
            Berasategui                      ĀĂ  Taiwan’s Outer Islands                91 CALGARY
            An adventure in Basque cuisine on       ELYSE GLICKMAN explores a pristine
                                                 archipelago few travelers have        92 WINNIPEG
            Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. By MICHELE
            PETERSON.                            discovered.                           94 VANCOUVER
        āþ  From Luxembourg                         COOKING SCHOOL                           NOTA BENE
            With Love
                                             Āü  Passion For Perigord              ăĀ Picnic
            SUSAN KORAH meets celebrity chef
            Lea Linster.                         CATHERINE VAN BRUNSCHOT spends
                                                 an idyllic week in the French
        ýĀ  The Osthoff, Elkhart Lake                 MARKET FOCUS
                                             þú  The ByWard Market, Ottawa
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