Page 252 - Was Hitler a Riddle?
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Index 239
Hitler’s favorite ambassador, 100 Göring, Hermann, 22, 41–42, 46, 56, 76,
Hitler’s march into rhineland, 124–26 77
meeting with Hitler, september 1936, on Christianity, 153, 167
127 on “law and order,” 175
meeting with Hitler, september 28, leader of violent wing of Nazism, 170
1938, 132 meeting with Coulondre, 135
Munich agreement, 131–32 meeting with lord Halifax, 82
on persecution of Jews, 122–23 rival of röhm, 115
uncertain about Hitler’s intentions, 126 Great depression of the late 1920s, 97,
urges firmness toward Germany, 110 106, 141
vacillations on Nazism, 110, 116, 119–
20 Halifax, lord (edward Frederick
Franconia, 179 lindley Wood), 8, 11, 72, 73, 80–81,
Freisler, roland, 185 86
French political class, 96 on appeasement, 81–84
Fritsch, Werner Freiherr von (colonel- meeting with Hitler, 82–83
general), 129 Hanfstaengl, ernst (Putzi), 152
Führer, Der (newspaper), 200 Hankey, Maurice, 5, 139, 201, 207
Functionalists, 204 Henderson, Nevile, 8, 65–66
on appeasement, 65–74, 77–80
Gainer, d. st. Clair, 37, 42, 47, 71, 76 character and views of, 66–67, 70–71,
Gamelin, Maurice, 143 79
Gandhi, Mohandes, 3 conflict with Foreign Office, 68–73
Gathering Storm, The (Churchill), 44 considered Hitler “abnormal,” 73, 100,
Gauleiter (provincial or regional 293
governor), 22 on Hitler’s opposition to war, 78, 80
Geist, raymond Herman, 146, 157, 174, Hitler’s view of, 67
196 on “inferior races,” 74
genocide, 203 on Jewish question, 66, 76, 78–79
George V, King, 59 on Kristallnacht, 78–79
German rearmament, 26, 41, 42, 43–44 meeting with Hitler, March 5, 1938,
French reports on, 118–19, 120, 121–22, 72–73
126 on Nuremberg rally in 1937, 70
Phipps on, 32, 33, 35 Hess, rudolf Walter richard, 87
renondeau report, 118, 121–22 Hessen, 179
simon on, 55 Heydrich, reinhard, 115
Germanized Christianity, 163 Hickerson, John, 183
Gestapo, 22 Himmler, Heinrich, 22, 114, 115, 122, 172,
Gilbert, Prentiss, 192, 193, 194–95 203
Gobineau, arthur d., 104 Hindenburg, Paul von (President), 21,
Goebbels, Joseph, 122, 180, 183, 203 116–17, 154, 155
leader of “violent radical wing,” 170 Hitler, adolf, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10
meeting with Coulondre, 135 as “Bavarian Mussolini,” 17
rumbold on, 18–19, 29 on Christian churches, 164–65
Gordon, George a., 147, 149, 150–51, 178 Christie on, 20
Nazi anti-semitism, 177 considered “not normal,” 29, 73, 100,
Nazi curbs on churches, 162–63 205–6
Nazism as totalitarian, 157–58 consolidation of power, 22–24, 28