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Index  241

            la Guardia, Fiorello, 183       Nazism and Christian Churches, 12,
            lansbury, George, 8, 202            162–68
            laski, Harold, 57               Nazi totalitarianism, 12. See also under
            laval, Pierre, 141                  Gordon, George a.
            law for the reestablishment of the   Neurath, Konstantin Freiherr von, 24, 28,
               Professional Civil service, 23   55, 112, 115, 178
            league of Nations, 49, 51, 55, 89, 198  New Christians, 163
            leipzig, 190–92                 Newton, d. C., 38
            leitner, rudolf, 183            Niemöller, Martin (pastor), 73, 165, 167
            lenin, Vladimir, 27             Nietzsche, Friedrich, 104
            leutheuser, Julius, 164         Night of the long Knives, 22, 35–36,
            ley, robert, 122                    113–16
            lloyd George, david, 1–2, 86    Nuremberg laws of 1935, 38, 181
            london Times, 2, 6              Nuremberg rallies, 69–71, 122, 160–61
            lothian, lord (Philip Kerr), 8, 86–87
              on appeasement, 86–89         Ogilvie-Forbes, George, 11, 74–75, 76, 97
              changes mind about Hitler, 89  Old Fighters (Alte Kämpfer), 150
              meetings with Hitler, 87–89   “old German diplomat” (X), 92–96, 140,
            louis Marshall Club, 176            159
                                            Origins of Totalitarianism (arendt), 201
            Macdonald, James ramsay, 26, 51–52
            Madagascar, 204                 pacifism, 58–59, 142–43
            Marcus, ernst, 96               Papen, Franz von, 24, 26, 55
            Maurras, Charles, 143–44        Papenburg in ems-Moorland, 184
            Mcdonald, James, 179            Pappenheim, Friedrich-Carl rabe
            Mein Kampf, 1, 5, 26, 41, 82, 96    (major), 121–22
            Mein Kampf dispatch, 26–29, 54, 55, 96,   Pariserplatz (location of French embassy
               196                              in Berlin), 95
            Messersmith, George, 146, 174, 194  Paul-Boncour, Joseph, 95, 106, 110, 140
              biography and career, 171–72  Peace Pledge Union, 58–59
              denunciation of Nazi anti-semitism,   Phillips, William, 160
               173, 174, 193                Phipps, eric, 30
              weakness of Nazism, 193         on appeasement, 46–50
            Mizrachi Organization of Baltimore, 176    considered Hitler an “unbalanced
            mock trial of Hitler, 182–83        being,” 32, 35, 205
            Moffat, Jay Pierrepont, 196, 198, 208    denounced pacifism, 47
            Montbas, Hugues Barthou de, 135–36    on eccentric behavior of Göring, 33–35
            Moore, Walton, 199                first meeting with Hitler, October 24,
            Moorland Penal Colony, 184–86       1934, 31–32
            Moses, a. dirk, 201               on Hitler’s policies and character, 31–32
            Müller, ludwig, 164, 166          last meeting with Hitler, december 13,
            Munich agreement, 75, 80, 89, 90,   1935, 32
               131–32                         on murder of röhm, 35
            Mussolini, Benito, 24, 27, 81     reports on Nazi anti-semitism, 36–37,
            National Peace Ballot, 59         rhineland crisis, 45
            Nazi march into austria, 130      second meeting with Hitler, 32–33,
            Nazi plans for expansion, 136       107
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