Page 256 - Was Hitler a Riddle?
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Index  243

            tardieu, andré, 113             Weimar republic, 15, 16, 17, 21
            temperley, a. C., 55, 56–57     Weinberg, Gerhard l., 146
            Temps, Le (newspaper), 113      Weizmann, Chaim, 1
            thorne, andrew, 42              Welles, sumner, 145, 174, 197, 198
            thyssen, Fritz, 102             Wessel, Horst, 163
            treaty of Versailles, 42, 53, 56, 119, 120,   Wheeler-Bennett, John, 4
               149                          White, J. C., 167
              Germany’s violations of, 121  Wigram, Clive, 29
              Hitler’s demands for revisions, 88, 110  Wigram, ralph, 58
              Hitler’s denunciation of, 24  Wiley, John, 152–53
              restrictions on size of German military,   William ii, Kaiser, 93
               108, 111                     Williamson, Philip, 52
              roosevelt on Hitler’s demands   Wilson, Horace, 67–68, 81
               regarding treaty, 196        Wilson, Hugh r., 145, 186–87, 188, 173
              X on, 93                        depicted as favorable to Hitler, 187
            trenchard, Hugh Montague, 54      meeting with Goebbels, 187–88
            Triumph of the Will (riefenstahl), 43    meeting with Hitler, 187
            tydings, Millard e. (senator), 199    on persecution of Jews, 189–90
                                            Wise, stephen s. (rabbi), 175–76
            United states                   Wrench, evelyn, 6
              anti-semitism in, 198         Württemberg and Baden, 182
              diplomats’ report on Jewish question,   Wright, Gordon, 6
               1938–39, 188ff
                                            X (“old German diplomat”), 92–96, 140,
            Vansittart, robert, 19, 46, 57, 65–66,   159
               69–70, 74
            Völkischer Beobachter (newspaper), 150,   Yad Vashem (Holocaust museum in
               184, 193, 195                    israel), 40
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