Page 24 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 24

The WriTTen Word

        Hall of Fame


        Today, English is spoken by over 300 million people. But who were

        the key figures that made the language we know so well?


                                              ENGLISH 1564-1616
                                              Although his inclusion here might
                                              seem like a foregone conclusion, the
                                              Bard’s enormous impact on the English
                                              language is obvious not just in famous
                                              quotes like “to be or not to be”, but
                                              also in the many phrases he coined
                                                                                                             Alfred was a keen
                                              that we now consider commonplace,
                                                                                                             early champion of
                                              such as ‘lily-livered’, ‘bated breath’ and,                   the English language
                                              indeed, ‘foregone conclusion’. But his
                                              influence is greater still. As the creator
                                              of an estimated 2,000 words, including   ALFRED THE GREAT
                                              ‘amazement’, ‘bedroom’, and ‘fashionable’,   ENGLISH 849-899
                                              it’s impossible to imagine what English   Often regarded as the first true English king, Alfred’s reign
           Shakespeare:           Despite         would be like without him. His   was dominated by a seemingly endless series of battles with
           the man who                             ‘monumental’ position as a   Viking raiding parties. But Alfred’s well-deserved nickname
          changed the word    their influence       master of English is ‘secure’.  ‘the Great’ does not just stem from his military victories
                              on the English                                   over the Danes. Deeply concerned by the impact the Danish
        GEOFFREY          language, not a single      “I  never                raids had on standards of education and aware that levels
                                                                               of literacy had fallen dramatically, Alfred pushed hard
                           original manuscript
        CHAUCER            by either Chaucer or       desire     to            for primary education to be taught in English instead of
                                                                               Latin. He also ensured several major texts of the time were
        ENGLISH 1343-1400      Shakespeare            converse                 translated into English, probably ensuring the survival of
        Like Shakespeare,                                                      the language in the process.
        Chaucer is a writer whose   still exists      with a man
        words not only had a literary
        impact, but who transformed the               who has written more
        nature of the English language
        forever. Chaucer’s writing made               than he has read”
        it acceptable for the aristocratic            Samuel Johnson
        nobility to speak Chaucer’s Middle
        English (essentially a mix of
        Anglo-Saxon, Danish and French)               SAMUEL JOHNSON ENGLISH 1709-1784
        instead of the French they had
                                                      Contrary to popular belief, Dr Johnson was not the first man
        spoken since coming over
                                                      to compile an English dictionary. Robert Cawdrey, for example,
        with the Norman Conquest.
                                                      produced one, the Table Alphabeticall in 1604, a full 150 years
        Indeed, a year before
                                                         before Johnson produced his famous Dictionary Of The
        Chaucer’s death, the
        succession of Henry   Chaucer made                  English Language in 1755. Johnson’s work is rightly
                          English literature                  held in higher regard, however, partly because he
        IV ensured that, for
                           acceptable                          cleverly used quotations to demonstrate how to
        the first time since
                                                                 correctly use many of the words, but mostly
        1066, England had a
                                                                 because it was both more influential and, quite
        king whose mother                                                                                Johnson’s dictionary was
                                                                 simply, it contained so many words. Cawdrey’s
        tongue was English,                                                                             completed single-handedly
                                                                book had defined barely 2,000 — Johnson’s   over seven years
        rather than French.
                                                              included well over 40,000.
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